Woo » Payment Processors

Woo » Payment Processors

Serbian Gateways

Izgleda da je NestPay procesor za Banca Intesa (ASSECO SEE) NestPay

Payment gateway NestPay for WooCommerce

Pazi ovo: Applies to all banks using the NestPay system: Banca Intesa, AIK banka, Komercijalna banka, Sparkasse bank, Gorenjska banka, Deželna banka Slovenije d.d., BKS Bank, Banka Celje, Hranilnica LON, Hranilnica Vipava, Nova KBM, Poštna banka Slovenije, Probanka, Erste Bank Croatia … Known compatible countries: BiH, Croatia, Czech Republic, Italy, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia. is compatible with the “ASSECO NestPay” anywhere in the world (you just need to change the gateway URL).

I Payten koristi NestPay

Ovi prodaju sve pluginove, razne, za sve procesore: WooCommerce Dodaci - Shop ONLINE

Sandboxed Payment Gateway for WooCommerce

Official: woocommerce/woocommerce-gateway-dummy: A Dummy Payments gateway for your WooCommerce website.

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Testing WooCommerce payments:

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date 28. Dec 2023 | modified 10. Jun 2024
filename: Woo » Payment Gateways