Debugging Hooks, Actions and Filters

Debugging Hooks, Actions and Filters

WordPress Loading Sequence

hooks sequence; hooks loading sequence; hooks order; actions loading order


WordPress Hook Execution Order WordPress Hook Order

Woow. Ovo nije običan plugin, već pravi biser. Daje spisak svih filtera i hookova u pravilnom redosledu. Hooks View

Hooks database: All Hooks of WordPress

WordPress Hooks Order (Order of Triggering)

WordPress loading sequence: A guided tour - webdesign filters - What is the very earliest action hook you can call? - WordPress Development Stack Exchange Between functions.php, widgets and plugins, which is loaded first? - WordPress Development Stack Exchange

Must use plugins are plugins that you won’t manage through the normal plugin admin screens. They are useful if you are building an application in which it makes no sense that end users would enable/disable parts of the application.

Another use for must use plugins is a plugin that loads before all other plugins, because the normal plugins are only loaded further on in wp-settings.

After loading MU-plugins, you get the earliest hook you can call, muplugins_loaded and at this point there are still no “regular” plugins loaded. It is the first do_action inside wp-settings.php.

add_filter( 'option_active_plugins', array( $this, 'do_disabling' ) );
add_filter( 'site_option_active_sitewide_plugins', array( $this, 'do_network_disabling' ) );

add_action(‘muplugins_loaded’, function () { // your code here });

plugins_loaded set_current_user init wp_default_scripts wp_loaded parse_request send_headers wp template_redirect wp_head wp_enqueue_scripts wp_default_styles enqueue_block_assets wp_print_styles wp_print_scripts wp_body_open

WordPress Remove Filter (remove_filter converted to remove_class_filter) to remove Filter/Action without Class Object access. Works with WordPress 1.2+ (4.7+ support added 9-19-2016)

inpsyde/objects-hooks-remover: Package to remove WordPress hook callbacks that uses object methods or closures.

herewithme/wp-filters-extras: Add 2 methods for WP Filter API

Remove Filters of class files with out invoking class.

snicco/better-wp-hooks: [READ ONLY] Subtree split of the snicco/better-wp-hooks package (see snicco/snicco).

WordPress 4.7+ support · Issue #5 · herewithme/wp-filters-extras

actions - remove_action or remove_filter with external classes? - WordPress Development Stack Exchange

Another Show Hooks

date 08. May 2023 | modified 10. Jun 2024
filename: Plugins » Debug » Hooks