My List of Firefox Developer Extensions

My List of Firefox Developer Extensions

  • Aardvark 3.0 (Disabled, Incompatible) Utility for cleaning up a page prior to printing, and for analyzing a page.
  • Arboreal 0.1a2 (Disabled, Incompatible) A Firebug extension for DOM tree visualization.
  • Auto Reload 1.12 Reload current page when selected local files have changed.
  • Character Identifier 0.1.4 This extension adds a context menu item for selected text that provides more information (from the Unicode database) about the characters selected.
  • Clear Cache Button 0.9f Adds a button to the toolbar that clears the browser cache
  • ColorZilla 2.8 Advanced Eyedropper, ColorPicker, Page Zoomer and other colorful goodies
  • CopyAllUrls 0.9.6 Copies and pastes all URLs of open browser tabs including history in structured and well defined form to and from the clipboard.
  • CSS Usage 0.2.9 Firebug extension to view which CSS rules are really used on your site.
  • CSSViewer ff 3.5 1.0.4 (Disabled, Incompatible) A simple CSS property viewer en FF 3.5
  • DownThemAll! 2.0.13 The mass downloader for Firefox.
  • EventBug 0.1b10 Event views for Firebug.
  • FireDiff 1.2.0 Track changes in Firebug
  • FireFile 0.9.0 Firebug extension to save the CSS files edited with firebug live to your web server.
  • FireFontFamily 0.1.2 Highlight the rendered font-family in Firebug
  • FireLinkReport 0.1 (Disabled, Incompatible) Page link report for Firebug.
  • FireLogger 1.2 Server-side logging support for web developers
  • FirePath 0.9.7 FirePath is a Firebug extension that adds a development tool to edit, inspect and generate XPath 1.0 expressions, CSS 3 selectors and JQuery selectors.
  • Firepicker 1.4.1 Simple color picker plugin for Firebug.
  • FireQuery 1.2 Firebug extension for jQuery development
  • FireRainbow 1.5 Javascript syntax highlighting for Firebug
  • Flagfox 4.1.17 Displays a flag depicting the location of the current server
  • Gmail Manager Manage multiple Gmail accounts and receive new mail notifications.
  • GMarks Shows your Google Bookmarks in the sidebar.
  • Greasefire 1.0.8 Automatically find Greasemonkey scripts on
  • Greasemonkey 0.9.22 A User Script Manager for Firefox
  • gTranslate 0.9 Translates the selected text via Google Translate.
  • Hybridfox 1.6.000030 (Disabled, Incompatible) A graphical interface to Amazon’s EC2 and Eucalyptus web service.
  • IE Tab 2.0.20120203 Enables you to use the embedded IE engine within Mozilla/Firefox.
  • Inline Code Finder for Firebug 1.1 Finds HTML elements with inline JavaScripts events, inline styling and javascript: links
  • KGen 0.8.1 Display strongest keywords of a webpage
  • LogMeIn, Inc. Remote Access Plugin
  • Page Speed 1.12.9 Speed up your web pages with this performance diagnostics tool. Requires Firebug.
  • PDF Download Allows you to choose what to do with a PDF file: download it, view it with an external viewer or view it as HTML.
  • phplangeditor 2.4 (Disabled, Incompatible) PHP language files editor
  • Prism for Firefox 1.0b3 (Disabled, Incompatible) Create Prism applications directly in Firefox
  • RefControl 0.8.16 Control what gets sent as the HTTP Referer on a per-site basis.
  • Regular Expressions Tester 3.2.11 Testing tool for regular expressions with color highlighting (including submatches) and helpers for creating expressions
  • SenSEO 2.4.5 SenSEO ist an extension checking SEO-critical on page criteria.
  • Server Spy 0.2.1 Indicates what brand of HTTP server runs on the visited site.
  • Server Switcher 0.5.3 Switch between your development and live servers.
  • SQLite Manager 0.7.7 Manage any SQLite database on your computer
  • Wappalyzer 2.2.1 Identifies software on the web.
  • XRefresh 1.2 (Disabled, Incompatible) Browser refresh automation for web developers
  • YSlow 3.1.3 Make your pages faster with Yahoo!’s page performance tool
date 19. Aug 2012 | modified 10. Jun 2024
filename: Research » Browser Extensions » My List of Firefox Developer Extensions