Plugin: Plugin Notes

Plugin: Plugin Notes

plugin management

My pick is Plugin Notes for notes.

Describing and writing notes on plugins

Plugin Notes | mjangda/plugin-notes is a plugin that I really need and use frequently. Although it has its 1K users, it seems to me that the author does not update it. Fortunately, the plugin still works. The ability to enter and format notes in HTML or Markdown format is very important to me. One of my favorite plugins. Note: search plugins for “cdillon27” author. Iako je najbolji - sad sam se setio zašto ga ne koristim: zato što prilikom snimanja odgovori sa “There has been a critical error on this website”

Plugin Notes Plus is the first replacement for the previous plugin. It is not perfectly made, but at least it is regularly updated as it has 6K users. I always modify it so that the plugin notes are displayed beneath the plugin description and not in a separate column, and for that there’s the hook plugin-notes-plus_note_placement.

Plugin Memorandum is an outdated version of a plugin that attempted to do the same thing as the previous two. Of course, it hasn’t been maintained for a long time and the code is outdated and poor.

Novo: Eazy Plugin Manager – Powerful Plugin Management Solution for WordPress ima opciju Quick Note koja je to što mi treba i deo je besplatne verzije plugina. Problem je što je izgleda neophodno da se loguješ na neki njihov sistem, a ako se ne loguješ, ništa ne radi. Kad se uloguješ, radi odnosno ne radi, jer je bagovito logovanje.

Pronašao sam i Maintainn Tools takođe poseduje file integrity check to compare the WordPress Core files on your website hosting server to the current WordPress files, ali opcija koja je mene privukla je Plugin Admin Notes: Add notes next to each plugin. Svejedno, ovo ustvari nije loš izbor opcija.

Plugin Notes Label – WordPress plugin | je osnovni gde sve radi kako treba i tako i izgleda, ali ne umem da obrišem note.

Admin Sticky Notes

Wb Sticky Notes is a plugin whose functionality did not align with my initial expectations. Most of these “sticky” plugins display sticky notes in the Dashboard, but this one displays it everywhere as if the whole Admin is one big Desktop. This could be useful only if you want to leave an important message for later for yourself or to others aka just like a classic Post-It note.

Admin Sticky Notes WordPress plugin is identical to the previously mentioned plugin but with a very poor implementation.

Oomph Plugin Notes – WordPress plugin | izgleda baš elegantno, ali čini mi se da ne snima note - vrlo je star plugin.

Simple Post Notes

date 15. Dec 2016 | modified 14. Jun 2024
filename: Plugins » Plugins » Notes