Research » Browser Extensions » Miscellaneous

Research » Browser Extensions » Miscellaneous

Markdown Preview

Markdown Viewer is the only cross-browser extension available, so there is not much choice here.

Enable Text Selection

Extensions to enable text selection on pages where developers have disabled it for some unknown reason.

Although these two options are satisfactory, I would have preferred to find a cross-platform extension with source code on GitHub.

The example page below where authors have disabled text selection:



Spoof time zone, geolocation, locale and user agent. Match your location data to your VPN’s ip address.

Vytal - Spoof Timezone, Geolocation, Locale and User Agent

Vytal is not a VPN or proxy and will not change your IP address. However, it can be used in combination with a VPN service to obscure your true location.

Most extensions that provide these features rely on content scripts to inject script tags into web pages. There are many limitations to script tag injections which you can read about here:

Vytal utilizes the chrome.debugger API to spoof this data instead. This allows the data to be spoofed in frames, web workers and during the initial loading of a website. It also makes the spoofing completely undetectable.

Inače, nikad neće raditi na Firefox: Unfortunately Vytal doesn’t work on Firefox since Firefox doesn’t support the debugger API for extensions. Vidi šta sve otkriva…

Introduction - GitZip is cross-browser browser extension to download sub-folders/files of Github repo

Greedy Cache


Greedy Cache is a browser extension that forces your browser to load scripts, images and styles from its cache. It’s particularly useful for sites that use content-addressed URLs, such as Facebook; these are URLs that are a hash of the content they represent, meaning that the content of such a URL never changes, making revalidation requests unnecessary.Greedy Cache on repo JustOff/greedy-cache is a browser extension that forces your browser to load scripts, images and styles from its cache. It’s particularly useful for sites that use content-addressed URLs, such as Facebook; these are URLs that are a hash of the content they represent, meaning that the content of such a URL never changes, making revalidation requests unnecessary.

Interesting insights from 2017 in this Facebook article.

date 10. Feb 2023 | modified 29. Dec 2023
filename: Research » Browser Extensions » Miscellaneous