Research: Cross-device Responsive Design Browser Testing

Research: Cross-device Responsive Design Browser Testing

Cross-browser Testing

Cross Browser testing is term for checking on different devices and OS-es. It is like responsive design testing, but on Real Devices. Cross Browser Testing Definition

Testiranje na različitim device

  • Browsershots je free open-source online web tool, mislim jedini koji je besplatan a stvarno pokreće na njihovim uređajima. On pravi screenshots in different operating systems and browsers.

Testing Responsive Design

Pregled i testiranje web strana na različitim rezolucijama. U ovoj grupi ima dosta besplatnih rešenja, jer se može izvršavati na mom lokalnom računaru.

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date 26. Jan 2023 | modified 29. Dec 2023
filename: Workflow » Research » Cross-browser Responsive Testing