Plugins: Content Relations

Plugins: Content Relations

related pages, relations, post 2 post, post to post, posts to posts, relations between entities

related-posts · GitHub Topics

Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP) je ubedljivo najpopularniji sa 100K korisnika i ima sve osim manuelnog assignovanja a repo je na bu-ist/yet-another-related-posts-plugin: BU fork of YARPP

Ima plugova koji su kompatibilni sa njim, na primer List YARPP Block ili WP Related Posts and Products (WRI) koji radi preko YARPP i koji u Pro verziji omogućava manuelno dodavanje

It’s perfect for quick development, and more.

Ručne relacije je lako impementirati uz pomoć ACF ali mi je zgodno da koristim gotova rešenja.

Od istog aurota dolazi i Post Connector sa repo na barrykooij/post-connector: koji je mnogo noviji.

CP Related Posts

ACF Relationship field is amazing for this

Custom Post Types Relationships (CPTR) je isključivo za manuelno biranje.

10up/wp-content-connect: WordPress library that enables direct relationships for posts to posts and posts to users.

The library 10up/term-data-store enables one-to-one relationships between posts and terms. For example, when creating a post named “Dummy” in the post type, a corresponding term named “Dummy” will be created in the taxonomy, and vice versa. If either the post or term is deleted, the other will also be deleted.

MB Relationships is very much inspired by the popular plugin Posts 2 Posts which is not maintained anymore. We have taken the idea and made some improvements. The codebase and data structure is very similar.

Manual Related Posts je mali i open-source za manuelne veze i podržava PHP custom markup. Ne sviđa mi se što je jedini način za unos metabox ispod contenta a ne sa desne strane u sidebar ali je sve ostalo odlično.

LH Related Posts by Taxonomy je automatski ali podržava i manuelno dodavanje kao i templates, ali nisam uspeo da ga nateram da bilo šta prikaže a posebno ne UI za manuelno dodavanje. Isti auto publichovao je i LH Relationships ali taj mislim da je abandoned.

The Contextual Related Posts plugin on the WebberZone/contextual-related-posts repository is highly active with 70,000 users. It features a smart algorithm similar to YARPP.

Related Posts by Taxonomy sa repo na keesiemeijer/related-posts-by-taxonomy: A WordPress plugin that provides a widget and shortcode to display related posts by taxonomies as links, full posts, excerpts or post thumbnails. se baš vrlo aktivno razvija i ima 20K korisnika. Kompletan docs na Related Posts by Taxonomy | keesiemeijer ali ni on, kao ni YARPP ne podržava manuelno dodavanje na listu.

Super Related Posts – Lightweight, High Performance Algorithm & Increase Traffic! with repo at ahmedkaludi/super-related-posts obećava, ali videćemo.

date 24. Sep 2023 | modified 14. Jun 2024
filename: Plugins » Content Relations
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