Website speed targets

Website speed targets

Page loading time (rendered page):

Less than 1 second = perfect
1-3 seconds = good
3-7 seconds = average
7+ seconds = poor

How fast is fast enough? Great Paul Irish comment

What is fast enough? Well, speed index must be below 1000, and to achieve that you must deliver above the fold items in the first 14kb of the page.

What is important for Google?

Page speed does affects Google Page Rank. Time to First Byte is what affects page rank; directly only that, and not Pagespeed Insight Score. Pagespeed Insight Score influences indirectly.

Loading cleverly?

SEO problems?

How to Integrate SmoothState.js Into a WordPress Theme

date 21. Dec 2016 | modified 10. Jun 2024
filename: Design & Content - Max Pagespeed