Web » Analytics & Customer Intelligence

Web » Analytics & Customer Intelligence

Metrics, analytics, Conversion Tracking, conversions

Visual Website Optimizer

(3) What are the main differences / benefits of Visual Website Optimizer vs. Optimizely? - Quora Optimizely vs Visual Website Optimizer - Startup Bloggers Why We Switched to Optimizely | Optimizely Blog

Visual Website Optimizer: How it Compares to The Rivals Experiments - Analytics Help

Heatmaps: Crazy Egg - Visualize where your visitors click

KISSmetrics Customer Intelligence & Web Analytics

A/B Ideafox: search engine for A/B, split and multivariate testing case studies - Visual Website Optimizer

New analytics platforms

Mixpanel | Mobile Analytics Keen IO - Analytics for Developers

Google Analytics Alternatives

7 Alerts To Monitor SEO Process Opportunities and Issues

Realtime stats

GA Real-time Alternatives:

Try to make GA real-time:

Segment.io - Analytics Aggregator

The idea is great but execution is pointless - Segment.io

Segment & Slack integration?

Segment.io CEO on Setting Up Your Analytics for Growth

Create, edit, and share goals - Analytics Help Events as Goals in Google Analytics

Setup event-triggered notifications or alerts – Segment

Namestio sam Knowtify Relay, ali on šalje notifikaciju na svakih 10 minuta a ne trenutno.

Google Analytics Integration - Segment WordPress Plugin - Segment

Integrate segment.io with Slack

slack and segment.io - Google Search Slack API: Community Built Integrations | Slack lygav/php-slackbot: Simple, easy to use PHP package for sending messages to Slack. Send pretty, colourful messages with rich attachments quickly with this friendly API. jwenzler/Shooker: Slack WebHooks PHP Class

Segment doesn’t have real competitors. Similar to him are:

Forget Segment.io

I had a lot of problem in optimizing Segment for browser pagespeed. It is practically impossible as it dynamically loads both the Google and Yandex scripts, so none of methods can interecept it and localize those scripts.

Not sure why but it seems that Webvisor feature on Yandex don’t work at all with Segment.

And finally, as a conclusion: Forget about Segment!

It doesn’t reduce any round-trips; it even loads more scripts - Segment’s is an extra. Slack notification barely works and sincerely it’s much easier and reliable to do it directly from inside WP than via Segment.

date 19. Aug 2015 | modified 10. Jun 2024
filename: Web » Analytics » Tracking & Customer Intelligence