AI Client Applications and SaaS Playgrounds

AI Client Applications and SaaS Playgrounds

The Only Native Windows App

EasyChat AI - Best ChatGPT experience on Windows

winget install --id=9NXK0PK5ZS1B
# winget uninstall --purge --id=9NXK0PK5ZS1B

Nice Clients

AI Playgrounds

Automatic Speech Recognition (Speech to Text)

Translation to and from Serbian

Tools I don’t understand right now

Open-source AI Apps

Why use a different UI instead of the OpenAI application? Because it gives you independence from the model, and the API is significantly cheaper for my needs. Additionally, prompts and all AI correspondence are locally stored and consolidated for all providers.

Chatbox AI

Chatbox AI from the bin-huang/chatbox repository is entirely open-source, developed in JavaScript with desktop app built on Electron, with a Web-hosted version available at Chatbox. Supports image sending - Vision options - to models like GPT and Gemini, as well as Dall-E 3 image generation model using “Image Creator”. There is a proxy support, beneficial for US-only models such as Google Gemini, but noteworthy features include a comprehensive conversation search, advanced chat manipulation similar to folders - but better, with an improved approach using the term “threads”. On my keyboard, the show-hide shortcut is <Command + >. All LLM model API support is available, including OpenAI, Azure, Claude, Google Gemini, Ollama, Groq, and ChatGLM.

Installing it on a Mac is straightforward with brew install --cask chatbox, while Windows users can find it on scoop at this link, although there is no compelling reason to do so.

In essence, it is nearly perfect, barring its Electron foundation.

BetterChatGPT is a self-hosted JavaScript application that offers both desktop and web versions. You can access the web demo here, but it exclusively supports OpenAI models. Nice features include the ability to organize chats into folders, synchronization using Google Drive, proxy support, etc.

GPT4All is a desktop cross-platform client with a repository located at nomic-ai/gpt4all. Unlike Electron JavaScript, it is written in C. The user interface (UI) is not highly advanced, as the main focus is on running local LLM models. This software is not currently available on the Brew package manager but can be found on Windows scoop. One of its notable features is LocalDocs, which allows you to privately chat with data stored on your disk.


Osnovni klijent TurboGPT | A better UI for ChatGPT koji ipak ima varijablu u promptu, ali ne multiple.

Najzad ga jebeno nađoh! Takvu jednostavnu stvar! FlowGPT | the best ChatGPT prompts&AI prompts community I dobiću nervni slom! Kod ovoga kupuješ njegove govnjive kredite?

Master List of Definitive App Comparisons - View and Contribute - 2024 Update : r/macapps

MacOS only - almost free

IntelliBar - AI-powered assistant for the Mac. je besplatan sok je beta i odličan, sa repo na IntelliBar a ima i praćenje istorije - conversation management, podržava Whisper glas, ali radi samo sa GPT. Baziran na Electron i pomalo blot. Cena će biti oko $29-$45 lifetime.

MacGPT - ChatGPT in your menubar is functionally quite pleasing, but for some reason it significantly slows down my computer, and I’m almost certain that it’s because it’s bloated JS code.

Text Assistant is free ChatGPT prompt helper. License key: 6EA27A6E-984C4203-98FAC738-77E613C3

MacBot: Native macOS AI Client je i za GPT i za Bard, uglavnom kopija MacGPT, ali podržava i Dall-E. Jedino što ne vidim da pamti istoriju a sve je ostalo savršeno i efikasno mali native app. Ista firma pravi i MacBard: Native macOS Google Gemini Client koji je samo za Bard.

Machato is unexpensive ($7) and very comprehensive, supporting both Claude and Olliama. However, it does not support image generation with Dall-E or voice commands - excelling instead in conversation management, including the ability to store history and even support folders.

It was introduced in a Hacker News post titled Show HN: Machato — A native macOS client for ChatGPT.

I purchased it because it is a native C application, not Electron-based, and it is neither subscription-based nor costly.

Licence key: E84B593B-89BC49B5-A6345F03-96414AA0

Lifetime Price

Atua je klasika, za $19

AnySelect: ChatGPT from any app, for macOS je $37 lifetime, ali postoji radna verzija koju sam ja pokušao da pokrenem ali nisam uspeo jer pokazuje neku greški-

GPTMac - ChatGPT for your Mac ($5) mislim da nema ništa od opcija Thinkbuddy - A MacOS Interface of AI košta apsurdnih $178 za lifetime RecurseChat is focused on local, for $10 lifetime

CommanderGPT ($5) is Electron-based and extremely simple to use, but its limitation lies in the fact that it only works with OpenAI models and is not open-source.

Phind is an intelligent answer engine for developers.

Invisibility attempts to remain inconspicuous like IntelliBar, but its main drawback is that it does not support my API key. Even if it were perfect, it has no future for me.

OpenRouter Playground je savršen

korchasa/awesome-chatgpt: A curated list of awesome ChatGPT software. awesome-free-chatgpt/ at main · LiLittleCat/awesome-free-chatgpt

OpenPlayground nije besplatan.

Chatworm with repo at UnknownEnergy/chatgpt-api

Peek App is a menubar application designed to track your usage of the OpenAI API and conveniently display the information in the menu bar. However, it is currently non-functional due to its reliance on outdated API protocols.

GitHub - tisfeng/Easydict: 一个简洁优雅的词典翻译 macOS App。开箱即用,支持离线 OCR 识别,支持有道词典,🍎 苹果系统词典,🍎 苹果系统翻译,OpenAI,Gemini,DeepL,Google,Bing,腾讯,百度,阿里,小牛,彩云和火山翻译。A concise and elegant Dictionary and Translator macOS App for looking up words and translating text.

Ovo je kineski fokusirani ChatGPTNextWeb/ChatGPT-Next-Web: A cross-platform ChatGPT/Gemini UI (Web / PWA / Linux / Win / MacOS). 一键拥有你自己的跨平台 ChatGPT/Gemini 应用。 a izgleda sasvim solidno.

kangfenmao/cherry-studio: 🍒 Cherry Studio is a desktop client that supports for multiple LLM providers

date 24. Jan 2023 | modified 19. Sep 2024
filename: AI » Clients » Monolith App