Wordpress Plugins: APCu as Cache Engine

Wordpress Plugins: APCu as Cache Engine

Plugins supporting does both object and page cache:

  1. atec Cache APCu does both object and page cache
  2. W3 Total Cache supports APCu as both object and Page Cache

APCu Object Cache

APCu Manager with site on APCu Manager by PerfOps One is object-caching plugin with nice monitoring suite.

APCu Object Cache Backend is clean and small Drop-in plugin, with really only one file object-cache.php.

Install and then we must type:

cd /var/www/vhosts/hostingtipp.ch/httpdocs
mv wp-content/plugins/apcu/object-cache.php wp-content/object-cache.php

APCu Page Cache

Cache Master page-cache plugin supports around 10 engines, including APCu.

WP LCache has been abandoned since 2019 due to issues with APCu cache fragmentation. You can learn more about this issue on the APCu cache fragmentation can cause PHP processes to lock up page.

APCu Monitoring

atec Cache Info by author of atec Cache APCu.

date 25. Aug 2016 | modified 10. Jun 2024
filename: Plugins » Cache » Engine » APCu