Rise of the (not provided) keyword

Rise of the (not provided) keyword


Under Search Analytics, Search Console spells out the most popular search queries driving people to your site and the search results generating clicks. (Search Console’s ability to deliver search queries is especially important, in light of Google Analytics’ change to SSL and ‘keyword not provided’ in metrics).

Making search more secure: Accessing search query data in Google Analytics - Analytics Blog

Google Search Console Tips

It also gives you impression versus click data, which is data Google never gave webmasters in Google Analytics

Using Google Webmaster Tools is currently the only reliable and accurate way to get keywords from Google encrypted search.

Under Search Analytics, Search Console spells out the most popular search queries driving people to your site and the search results generating clicks. (Search Console’s ability to deliver search queries is especially important, in light of Google Analytics’ change to SSL and ‘keyword not provided’ in metrics).

Analytics tip - Beginner’s Guide to Google Search Console | Whereoware

And a nice extension: Search volume & CPC for UberSuggest, Keyword Shitter, Google Search Console, Google Analytics and more use this addon with Google Search

Why? You’d have to ask Google that question. Webmaster Tools is useful, but it only shows the last 90 days’ data. blog.kissmetrics.com/5-alternatives-keyword-not-provided/

A nice treat that Google Webmaster Tools does give you: It will tell you the clickthrough-rate of your keywords from Google Search. And you can somehow fix it in Analytics: How to Unlock Your ‘Not Provided’ Keywords in Google Analytics

Holy fuck: Four More Ways to Crack the Keyword (not provided) Code Decoding Google’s Referral String (or, how I surviVED Secure Search) - Moz How to steal some ’not provided’ data back from Google | Econsultancy


Not Provided Count - Charting the rise of (not provided) in Google Analytics


date 01. Jan 0001 | modified 10. Jun 2024
filename: Problem - SEO, Keyword not provided