Alternative, more focused solutions

Alternative, more focused solutions


WP-FFPC supports both PHP Memcache and Memcached extensions.

  1. Moram W3TC zbog CDN i New Relic-a (ne koristi mi ništa jer je to Javascript verzija), npr Ugasi full-page cache, ostalo ostavi

  2. Moram APCu jer je to najbrži object cache (i nije najbrži) Takođe ga mogu koristiti za full-page cache (umesto nginx recimo)

  3. Ostaje tema - full page cache-a

Speed Up WordPress With W3 Total Cache On Nginx Web Server » Liberian Geek Best LightWeight W3 total cache settings For Shared Hosting

The Importance of Caching WordPress » KBeezie

Web Caching Basics: Terminology, HTTP Headers, and Caching Strategies | DigitalOcean

WordPress › NGINX Cache Optimizer « WordPress Plugins - Nginx « WordPress Codex -

wp-ffpc vs - Google Search - WordPress › Support » wp-ffpc or varnish or both? - WordPress Optimization/Caching « WordPress Codex - HTTP Cache headers wordpress test - Google Search - Setup WordPress with W3 Total Cache | MaxCDN One - wp-ffpc + w3tc - Google Search - WordPress › Support » A newbie’s guide to using W3TC and FFPC - The Best WordPress Caching Plugins - Recommended by Our Readers - Blog Updates – How We Improved Our Website Performance » Liberian Geek - 10 Million hits a day with WordPress using a $15 server | Ewan’s Blog on IT and stuff10 Million hits a day with Wordpress using a $15 server - Ewan’s Blog on IT and stuff - WordPress Nginx | Leadin - The Best WordPress Cache Plugins And How To Use Them | Elegant Themes Blog - WP Super Cache ‹ eTaktiker — WordPress -

CORS config on nginx

enable cross-origin resource sharing Wide-open CORS config for nginx Example Nginx configuration for adding cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) support to reverse proxied APIs Slightly tighter CORS config for nginx http - Access-Control-Allow-Origin Multiple Origin Domains? - Stack Overflow Cross-origin resource sharing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nginx has to be compiled with Then you can do this That module seems to be compiled by default (at least on Ubuntu).

location ~* .(eot|ttf|woff)$ { add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *; }

For fonts, we must do it in nginx.

server-configs-nginx/cross-domain-fonts.conf at master · h5bp/server-configs-nginx

Web Fonts - CORS & expires

location ~* .(?:ttf|ttc|otf|eot|woff|woff2)$ { add_header “Access-Control-Allow-Origin” “*”;

# Only one location match is ever executed - therefore the relevant
# location match must contain all relevant rules. The first regular
# expression to match the query will stop the search.
expires 1M;
access_log off;
add_header Cache-Control "public";


Short-circuit with hooks (and use cache) #23627 (Allow plugins to short-circuit wp_nav_menu, good for performance) – WordPress Trac

Plugins: Cache

WordPress Caching Plugins Comparisons - wpXSS

object cache:

l3rady/WordPress-APCu-Object-Cache is fork of older APC Object Cache Backend

Kod ovih pluginova više gledam kako radi Minify nego cache.

Cache Enabler By KeyCDN je odličan i jednostavan i ima jednostavnu minifikaciju. Interesantan dodatak je Full Site Cache Enabler for KeyCDN

Clearfy Cache – WordPress optimization plugin, Minify HTML, CSS & JS, Defer u suštini ima sve što je potrebno, pa i cache, ali i dalje mi nije blizak.

WP-Optimize – Cache, Compress images, Minify & Clean database to boost page speed & performance ja jednostavno stvarno volim i on radi sve kako treba.

Hummingbird – Optimize Speed, Enable Cache, Minify CSS & Defer Critical JS je i cache, ali ustvari izlazi kao pobednik, pošto njegove Pro opcije (Flying Scripts and Critical CSS) ionako rešavam na druge načine, iako se meni sam UI nikako ne sviđa i sve nekako izgleda bloated i definitvino stalno upselluje. Svejedno, pogledaj još koji put ovaj plugin

Korisni pluginovi i noviteti koji su se pojavili vezano za Cache

SQLite Object Cache saluži za sličnu primenu, na shared serverima.

Caching WooCommerce

How to configure caching plugins for WooCommerce mentions W3 Total Cache, WP-Rocket and WP Super Cache that is natively compatible. I’ve also confirmed that Cache Master is Woo compatible.

Currently, the ideal combination appears to be:

  1. Use /dev/shm as RAM disk for storing files,
    as the acceleration with a RAM disk is substantial. Ensure path is not restricted by open_basedir

  2. Object cache: Implement Docket Cache with OPcache engine
    Adjust the path to something within /dev/shm, by adding define('DOCKET_CACHE_PATH', '/dev/shm/docket-cache-sitename'); to wp-config.php. This setting must be specific to the site on that server.

  3. Page cache: Use plugin Cache Master with APCu engine
    … or any other plugin with APCu engine.

date 11. Aug 2016 | modified 13. Jun 2024
filename: Plugins » Cache » General