Custom Post Types and Custom Taxonomies

Custom Post Types and Custom Taxonomies

Probably the best way is to use the help of code generators and manually enter PHP. example

or maybe the best way is to use class libraries like johnbillion/extended-cpts by respected author. For example, you can register a post type or taxonomy in one line.


In order of first-look quality:

Very extensive plugins:

This is a beautifull plugin, but not sure if it’s exactly for the same purpose: CPT-onomies: Using Custom Post Types as Taxonomies

Poorly designed & disqualified plugins

These plugins are NOT even aware of already existing Custom Post types:

Converting Post Types and Taxonomies

Switch Post Type, Change Post Type, Post Type Change

This is

Hierarchy plugin will solve a problem of editing and entering Custom Post Type data. Isti autor je zatim napravio plugin OrganizeWP - Fix Content Organization in WordPress

Improve taxonomy management

Source: 20 WordPress Plugins to Optimize Category and Tags - Hongkiat

TaxoPress is the WordPress Tag, Category, and Taxonomy Manager

Notes on some values

  • Show in REST API must be true to enable Gutenberg editor

Abandoned: wpmudev/custompress

aurooba/cpt: Quickly register custom post types and associated taxonomies with intelligent defaults in your WordPress projects.

Fastest way to create new custom post type is:

wp scaffold post-type “press-release” –label=“Press Release” –plugin=_customize

felixarntz/post-types-definitely: This framework plugin makes adding post types with taxonomies and meta to WordPress very simple, yet flexible.

Easy Custom Post Type UI

stuttter/wp-term-images: Images for categories, tags, and other taxonomy terms

date 26. Nov 2015 | modified 10. Jun 2024
filename: Plugins » Custom Post Types & Custom Taxonomies