Plugins: Manage Blocks

Plugins: Manage Blocks

toggle blocks; locate blocks; find blocks; search for blocks; search blocks;

Disable Unused Block Editor Blocks

I used to prefer the Disable Unused Block Editor Blocks plugin the most because it not only allows toggling, but also indicates where each block is used - only in Pro version. You can access it through the menu located at “Tools > Disable Unused Blocks”. However, I have encountered difficulties in successfully toggling blocks and it does not display “Embed” blocks. It also seems to not save changes, or actually work as intended.

Block Manager

Block Manager, repo dcooney/block-manager has a very nice UI with all the options needed, and also supports moving blocks between categories. Must use in combination with “Find My Blocks” plugin. Izgleda ok, ali ne mogu da ukapiram koji su blokovi iz CoBlocks.

Disable Gutenberg Blocks

Disable Gutenberg Blocks – Block Manager is the most basic plugin that gets the job done. Menu located “Settings > Disable Blocks”. Ali meni on više uopšte ne radi.

Block Catalog

Block Catalog by 10up at 10up/block-catalog to keep track of which Blocks are used across site. Nakon kreiranja indexa, možeš pristupiti na Posts > Block Catalog ili Pages > Block Catalog ali je UI stvarno čudan i nelogičan. U očajnoj konkurenciji, ovo je još među boljima jer ipak pruža najdirektniji način da pronađem gde se nalazi neki blok.

Problem postoji u tome kada mi prijavi Failed to load posts to index. (rest_invalid_param - Invalid parameter(s): post_types), a to prijavi kada odabereš neki nelogičan post type za indexiranje. Takođe mi se čini da ne broji baš dobro, pošto broji i Reusable blocks, ali ne ume da ih popiše.

Other plugins

Blocks Detector Finder plugin is excellent at searching but presents results poorly, making it difficult to locate blocks.

Which Blocks plugin simply counts the number of blocks used.

Find My Blocks

Find My Blocks Plugin Shows All Blocks in Use on a WordPress Site – WordPress Tavern

Moj zaključak: Expand to Reusable Blocks · Issue #105 · eddysims/find-my-blocks ubacuje menu u Tools > Find My Blocks

Neko je već to isto davno tražio: List of posts where a certain reusable block has been used |

(1) JSON Bahl on Twitter: “@phpbits @NickHamze This plugin is literally querying all posts of all post types with a posts_per_page => -1 query. This could take down large sites. Use with caution.” / Twitter

On je prespor i drugačije radi od onoga što ja hoću. On trči i čita baš svaki post i analizira ga.

Od verzije 4.0 novi autor je preuzeo i unapredio plugin, pa je i novi repo morganhvidt/find-my-blocks: A tool to help you find what Gutenbergs blocks you have used on your WordPress website and where they are located.

Mass Modification of Blocks in Content

change block; replace block; bulk edit blocks;

Bulk Update Blocks is a highly useful plugin that is capable of inserting, searching, replacing, or removing blocks from content. It is in early development but active on the repository pwkip/bulk-update-blocks and has an introductory article from 2020 available at The author wrote about manually converting one type of block to another in a case study called Convert a Group of File Blocks to ACF Block, and probably realized that a plugin was necessary.

To search in this plugin, use ["core/group", { "className": "cta-accent" }] in the Block to look for field, while to search for reusable blocks, use wp_block in the Posts to include in search field. One significant drawback is that, for example, the className must be exactly identical and cannot search partially. On the other hand, the attributes can be partial.

date 05. Jan 2022 | modified 10. Jun 2024
filename: Plugins » Gutenberg » Manage Blocks