Plugins: User Management

Plugins: User Management

Plugins: User Role Management

Those settings are saved in the database, so they do not slow down your Wordpress site as a whole. It is completely safe to use a plugin for this purpose. Since the capabilities are stored in your database, you can remove the plugin once you have finished editing the capabilities.

  • Advanced Access Manager (AAM) has all the role options plus GUI options on the administrator side. It is my favorite at repo aamplugin/advanced-access-manager: WordPress Advanced Access Manager Plugin, ali ipak se sada neke potrebne opcije nalaze iza Premium add-ona koji je dosta skup ali ga ima na GPL sajtovima. Tek Pro verzija omogućava podešavanje pristupa za određeni post-type za user role - nešto što mi baš često treba. Nevertheless, even this plugin failed enabling unfiltered_html saying: Failed to grand capability - WordPress policy.

    Sometimes, when you need just the basic stuff, it is little too overwhelming.

  • Members plugin is developed by core WordPress contributor Justin Tadlock, works perfectly, but doesn’t support unfiltered_html in WPMU without changes in code.

  • User Role Editor has unfiltered_html on multisite only in paid version, and in free version works with code changes in the theme.

  • User Role by BestWebSoft has multisite support only in paid version

  • WPFront User Role Editor has multisite support only in paid version.

5 WordPress Plugins To Extend User Roles and Capabilities 5 WordPress Plugins to Manage User Roles

Plugin: Approve New User Registration

8 Best WordPress User Registration Admin Approval Plugins 2022

Feature really for free:

  • New User Approve Last proper version from original author Josh Harrison (picklewagon), before it was sold to some company, was 1.8, but is unmaintained from then: wpexpertsio/new-user-approve

    In the current version 2.4.1 most functionalities are still there, but the plugin has been converted into a “colorful advertising machine”. Free version is crippled in a way that you must use the plugin hooks to customize the emails and error messages because there is no UI for that. However, the new version looks so ugly that it is pointless to put it on.

  • User Verification, documentation here
    Not exactly “admin approval” but nonetheless nice advanced plugin with lots of options to prevent SPAM. Users are self-verified by sending confirmation link to them.

  • WP Approve User by Konstantin Obenland
    Source code obenland/wp-approve-user and support threads

    A very ascetic plugin that does what it is written for. The problem with this plugin is that it does not have a detailed setting to whom an email is sent, and the email itself is only sent in plain text format. This fork branch 3.1 has the latest changes and FR translation: helgatheviking/wp-approve-user at 3.1

    To add missing admin notification, consult this

No need to work on email HTML design as there are separate plugins for this purpose.

Unfiltered HTML permission on multi-site

The unfiltered_html permission prevents users from using tags such as <iframe> and <embed>, plus also more advanced code such as Javascript.

Note: In WordPress Multisite, only Super Admins have the unfiltered_html capability.

function map_meta_cap() at the capabilities.php always returns ‘do_not_allow’ for the ‘unfiltered_html’ if you are not the superadmin in the multi-site environment.

So you can always do this:

To translate: remove_filter('the_content', 'wp_filter_post_kses'); in theme should do the trick. But better yet: kses_remove_filters(); as seen: or

But, I don’t think it is NOT a proper thing to do. But it is easier.

Or just use the official Automattic plugin for that: Unfiltered MU

With any plugin you still need to…

/* Add the unfiltered_html capability back in to WordPress multisite */

add_filter( 'map_meta_cap', function($caps, $cap, $user_id, $args) {
  if ( $cap == 'unfiltered_html' ) { unset( $caps ); $caps[] = $cap; }
  return $caps;
}, 10, 4 );

Plugins: Extra User Columns

Only one to use is “WPForce Logout” but also consider “User Toolkit”

Plug-ins to display and record additional and useful information about users.

WPForce Logoutis a versatile plugin that allows you to securely log out users with just one click. It also provides useful features for monitoring user activity, such as displaying a list of who’s currently online and showing the last login time for each user. Additionally, WPForce Logout offers WP-CLI commands, which is a great bonus for advanced users. This plugin is actively developed on the sanzeeb3/wp-force-logout repository and is my top choice for this category of plugins.

WP-UserOnline is a plugin that tracks and displays the number of users who are currently online. This plugin was created by the same author who created the popular Contact Form 7 plugin, which is a positive recommendation. WP-UserOnline is actively developed and can be found on the repository lesterchan/wp-useronline. The only feature is that the number of logged-in users is displayed as a sub-menu in the Dashboard but no extra columns is added in the user list.

The plugin LH Login Logger will enhance the users list-view by adding two additional columns: the date of the last login and the total number of logins for each user. It appears that the author of the plugin may have been negligent in their development, as my testing revealed that the plugin did not function properly. This issue was resolved by simply uncommenting a single line of code, leading me to question the author’s attention to detail. In light of this experience, I would advise against using this plugin in the future. Based on my review, the author decided to remove the plugin from the repository.

User Registration & Last Login Time plugin is incredibly rudimentary in nature, as it fulfills its name’s promise by simply adding two supplementary columns, namely the “Registration Date” and the “Last Login Date,” to the user list. Since I intend on utilizing a different plugin which already displays the last login date, abstaining from installing this plugin will result solely in the absence of the user registration date - a factor which holds little to no significance in my particular case.

The User Toolkit contains all necessary features.

Plugins: User Switching

The User Toolkit maintained on the repository deryckoe/user-toolkit contains nearly all necessary features, including last login and registration dates, as well as user switching. Its ability to disable users without deleting them permits retaining ownership of past user activity and content. Therefore, disabling users and user switching are the notable characteristics of this toolkit.

  • User Switching another great plugin by author of Query Monitor. Ovo je najpoznatiiji plugin za ove namene.

Post Author IP is a good idea to record the IP address of the original post author when a post is first created.

Remember Me Controls is a great plugin that allows you to customize the “Remember Me” field presented during login. With this plugin, you can enable the “Remember Me” option by default, set an expiry period for the feature or even completely disable it if you prefer.

Or Remember Me, or manually How to “remember me” on the WordPress login page – Something Odd!

Restrict Usernames is another brilliant idea by the original author, which limits the usernames that new users can use when registering for your site.

Trashed By plugin records the user who really trashed a post, which may not be very useful when we have user-auditing, but still an interesting idea.

View Admin As WordPress plugin can be found in the repository JoryHogeveen/view-admin-as. I recently discovered this plugin and I think it’s quite useful!

Email Verify is a plugin designed to approve website registrations and can blacklist or whitelist email addresses by domain. One potential application is to limit site registration to users from a single domain. However, the most notable feature of this plugin is its basic email verification process. This involves checking the existence of the domain using DNS MX records and validating the email address by connecting to the SMTP server to confirm its existence.

I’m not sure if they are using the zytzagoo/smtp-validate-email library for email address validation via SMTP.

Disable Users

Disable Users with repo jaredatch/Disable-Users: WordPress plugin that provides the ability to disable specific user accounts. je odličan primer singlefile-plugin movementa.

Disable User Login with repo at saintsystems/disable-user-login: Disable User Login

Lock User Account

Deactivate WordPress Users

User Avatars

Simple Local Avatars sa repo na 10up/simple-local-avatars: Adds an avatar upload field to user profiles. Generates requested sizes on demand just like Gravatar! je od fenomenlanog studia i koristi njega ako možeš.

Simple User Avatar sa repo na MatteoManna/Simple-User-Avatar: WordPress plugin that help users to add or remove his avatar using images from his Media Library.

WP User Avatars

The One User Avatar plugin, which can be found in the onedesigns/one-user-avatar repository, allows users to select an image from their media library and use it as a custom avatar or profile picture. One drawback is that the admin menu is located in the root, which may not be preferable for some users. Tekst kako je sve nastala je Forks and Alternatives: Custom User Avatar Plugins for WordPress – WP Tavern

User Profile Picture

Fake Admin sa repo na pigeonposse/fake-admin: 🕵️‍♀️🔌 Wordpress plugin that prevents your admin user from being exposed to the public. pravi tvog bezopasnog duplikata i tako ti štiti account.

date 15. Dec 2016 | modified 10. Jun 2024
filename: Plugins » User Management & Roles