Plugins: Essential Media Management Operations

Plugins: Essential Media Management Operations

Essential Maintenance Tasks for Media

Enable Trash in Media Library

It is important to enable the Recycle Bin (Trash) option in the Media Library to save yourself from future headaches. Manually enabling the trash feature in WordPress media library is as simple as adding define('MEDIA_TRASH', true);

Alternatively, there is a plugin called Media Trash Button which will do that for us and enable a trash button below each media item in the media library.

Rename Image Files

WP Plugin: Rename Media

The most common reason for wanting to change the name of an image is for SEO purposes or if the current name is particularly unattractive. However, it’s important to note that the plugin must go through all the content and change the image name in every instance, which can be a challenging task. Additionally, the cache must also be cleared.

In my experience, it’s usually faster and more accurate to manually change the image in the content rather than relying on a plugin to do it.

Phoenix Media Rename je baš ono što treba ali i više. Naime, podržava bulk rename čak i po predefinisanom patternu koje oni zovu “serialize file names”, a možeš i da podesiš da imena fajlova budu iz naslova posta gde se slika nalazi odnosno gde je attachovana. Inače, autor za još naprednije opcije preporučuje “Media File Renamer by Meow”. Interfejs je malo nelogičan jer rename obavljaš tako što selektuješ slike, zatim uneseš nova imena u polja, pa odabereš “Rename” from “Bulk actions”. Meni to nije bilo odmah očigledno. U samom edit-u image, možeš takođe da menjaš filename. Još je bitno napomenuti da je kompatibilan sa Polylang.

File Media Renamer radi sve što se očekuje, ali pored toga pokušava da izmeni i URL u samom contentu gde je slika attachovana. Repo je na bradleydalina/file-media-renamer: This plugin allows you rename uploaded files available in wordpress media and change the postname or slug name. i iako nije redovno ažuriran, nema warninga u PHP8.1

Media File Renamer by Meow ima gomilu opcija, ali ih je većinu prebacio u “Pro” verziju, koja, btw, nema lifetime opciju.

This is very important for SEO. Auto-renames your media filenames depending on their titles. When files are renamed, the references to it are also updated (posts, pages, custom types and their metadata). Free version does not allow you to change the filename directly but as you change the title of the media the plugin will then change the filename. Works perfect. My suggestion is to disable auto-rename in this plugin and just enable manual rename. Probably deserves reading Tutorial

The Rename Media plugin is an older plugin from an excellent author who unfortunately doesn’t update it anymore. On na osnovu unetog title-a zadaje novi filename. Dakle, menjaš title i ništa više. Ali ni to ne radi. Dakle, ne funkcioniše ali nije samo to, već i smeta drugim pluginovima da rade normalno, kao što je “Phoenix Media Rename”

Rename WP Media Files Name je jedan od novijih i aktivno razvijanih.

Replace Image with New One

change image without changing attachment ID

When I want to change an image content and not its name or location, I use a plugin to replace the old image with the new one, keeping the same ID. WordPress stores images based on their ID, and just adding a new image with the same name and deleting the old one will not work as the new image will have a different ID and then lot of things will not work, such as galleries that often store images as a list of image IDs.

A plugin is needed to save the new image in the same place, with the same ID, even if the new image has a different size. I recommend keeping the name of the photo the same, and if you really want to change the name, best is to create a redirection or replace every image occurrence - a separate process explained under “Rename Image” section.

Admin and Site Enhancements ima ugrađenu podršku za media replacement while retaining the existing media ID and file name so existing links work as ususal.

Easy Media Replace will replace a media file while retaining the attachment URL and ID. This plugin is simple to use and thumbnails are automatically regenerated without the need for a separate plugin.

Enable Media Replace by ShortPixel is another must-have plugin. It allows you to replace a file in your media library by uploading a new file in its place, eliminating the need for deleting, renaming, and re-uploading files. However, I don’t like the fact that they started adding features that have nothing to do with the original purpose of the plugin, all in an effort to boost sales for the company ShortPixel, which bought the plugin for that purpose.

This plugin has an advanced feature that allows you to change the file name and then automatically change all links in the content, but such processes are always risky and may cause errors.

WXY Tools Media Replace plugin is considered by myself to be the most advanced media-replace plugin. It works automatically during upload by comparing the name of the new file with the existing files. If the file name is identical, the file is replaced while preserving the original ID. It works great with both single or multiple file uploads. It is actually much better than manual replacement, as you don’t have to go to the Media Library to do that.

Other less maintained plugins with similar functionality are: WP Media Replace

Easy Replace Image by Iulia Cazan od posebnih fora pominjem: get image from URL, ima interfejs na mnogo načina. Sad mislim da je ozbiljno jedan od najboljih. Another image without deleting the attachment. The plugin handles the image sizes generation and the attachment metadata updat

Novi je i jednostavan Replace Image ali proveri reviews jer izgleda nisu sjajne

Sync Media Library to Physical Content

import local images; create attachments from local files; media import; sync media library

The goal of those plugins is to make the media library consistent with the files in the uploads folder. Here are a ways to register any new images from local folders and put them into Media Library.

Bulk Media Register je savršen plugin koju u Media Library ubaci sve što ponađe u Uploads folderu a može i da se bira uvoz iz samo nekih podfoldera. Autor je moj omiljeni Japanac koji voli efikasnost. Od istog autora je i plugin Media from FTP koji se meni čini da radi skoro identičnu stvar, možda na malo drugačiji način.

Media Sync is great to retrieve Media Library from uploads folder aka FTP. And as an bonus has filters to check for attachments without files.

WP-CLI Media Import Command: We can use WP-CLI command wp media import info; can import local but also from any URL remotely - should be the fastest, ali ovo ne zadržava fajl na lokaciji, već radi novi import kao da sam radio image upload

Add From Server enables you to upload files via FTP and then import them into the Media Library. In contrast to WP-CLI commands, if you import a file that is already in the uploads directory, it will not be copied and will be used as-is, which is typically what I want.

Media Library Recovery will restore media deleted from the database but still available on the server, a to je ustvari isto ovo što i drugi pluginovi rade, a i pokušava upsell.

Bulk Media Import

This group of add-ons is actually very similar to the previous one, but still somehow different because you can launch these even if you don’t have FTP access to the server.

Use the Media from ZIP plugin to easily import files from a ZIP archive while maintaining the original folder structure.

Cleanup Unattached Images

media cleanup, media cleaner

There is no way to connect aka reattach an image to an article, other than re-inserting it into the article. Furthermore, the concept of image attachment in WordPress is unreliable and should not be trusted to be accurate.

If I decide to trust the connection between attached images and posts, then I can use a plugin to delete unattached images. But be really sure that you’ve enabled the recycle bin feature (Trash) for the media library in order to recover any accidentally deleted items.

Don’t forget that you can always list all unattached images as a standard option in the Media Library.

Media Cleaner by Meow is one plugin for unattached images cleanup is the. Again, make sure to read the tutorial and mandatory ENABLE Media Library Trash aka Recycle Bin feature on WordPress before using it.

A good resource on cleaning up WordPress Media Library with a list of plugins for image cleanup is this article

DX Delete Attached Media deletes all of the attached media files to your posts once the post gets deleted from the system. The standard core behavior of WordPress only deletes the post and leaves the related images as “Unattached”. The risk of losing the images is minimized as images are still present in Trash folder.

Alternatives are: Delete Post with Attachments and Autoremove Attachments,

WP-Optimize also had an option to delete unused images and sizes WPS Cleaner has option to delete unused media

Media Hygiene: Remove or Delete Unused Images and More!

Fix Media Library meni izgleda neverovatno dobro! nestvarno! Savršen plugin!

Fix my posts! bi trebalo da fixuje images metadata, pa naziv i nema veze sa svrhom.

Generate Thumbnails

regenerate thumbnails; regenerate featured images; rebuild all image sizes; rebuild thumbnails

Regenerate Thumbnails; the author of this plugin passed away but his plugins will be maintained by Automattic and members of the WordPress community; 1+ million downloads; regenerate single image but by opening a URL;

AJAX Thumbnail Rebuild: latest version on breiti/ajax-thumbnail-rebuild; probably the best for huge quantity of files; Review: “no other regeneration plugin would come close to finishing the process. This did the trick!”; the best functionality of regenerating single image thumbnail (but no option to regenerate in “List View” and there is no option to do multiple file regeneration). Meni nešto prestao da radi.

Bulk Generate Thumbnails; is actively maintained; respected author that cherish minimalism; simple results table helps me detect broken attachments; no option to regenerate single images

Force Regenerate Thumbnails by EWW is probably abandoned plugin, but it has best options to regenerate in “List View”

Paid plugin Real Thumbnail Generator by experienced author; has free lite version on; has everything I need except it creates folder structure as subfolder of current location - need explaining

Možda je ipak najbrže i najbolje da koristim WP-CLI komandu wp media regenerate see, iako to mogu samo ako imam SSH ali ne moram tamo da instaliram CLI.

Image Regenerate & Select Crop sa homepage na Image Regenerate & Select Crop | Iulia Cazan. Ima i Set Image Sizes. I svašta. Ma savršen je. I sve daje većinom besplatno. Odličan je jer poseduje i vrlo naprendu opciju advanced custom rules uz koje generiše razne sizes na osniovu toga gde se slika nalazi. Plugin je pun “upsell”-a a interfejs nije u WP stilu, pa ga sada ne smatram više da je sjajan. Par opcija stvarno nije loše, ali previše mi izgleda bloated odnosno UI je stvarno odvratan i van WP stila. Jedino što mi se baš sviđa je “attachment image sizes summary” koji kada uključiš baš lepo prikazuje u list view.

I ovaj ima regenerate moj novi favorit je: Simple Image Sizes a u pitanju je pravi open-source na repo Rahe/simple-image-sizes: Simple image sizes is a plugin for WordPress, it allows you to set new thumbnail sizes and regenerte them by ajax.

Regenerate Thumbnails

froger-me/regen-thumbs: Regen. Thumbs - regenerate WordPress post thumbnails per post in one click!

Enrich Columns in Media Library List-View

These plugins will give you more detailed information about each image, mostly as new columns in the Media Library list-view, and will help you better organize and manage your media library.

I’ll also here list some plugins that deal with minor aspects of the Media Library behavior.

Media Metadata List

One such plugin is the Media Metadata List which enriches the Media Library list view with some additional data read from the images, by my favorite Japanese minimalist author.

EXIF Details

Exif Details allows you to collect more data from an image, such as information about the camera used to take the photo, and the date and time the photo was taken and this data can then be used in some other or some custom plugin.

Media Library Filter

Media Library Filter will work for “attached” media. It filters the media in your library by the taxonomies and terms with which they are associated.

Edit Thumbnails

There is no need for a special plugin as WordPress already does this natively. Since it is not very logical or obvious, it is necessary to read a short guide on How to Crop and Edit WordPress Post Thumbnails.

Therefore, plugins such as Thumbnail Editor or Post Thumbnail Editor which serve to manually crop thumbnail images one by one are completely unnecessary.

Interesting tweaks

WP Better Attachments | DHolloran/wp-better-attachments is a plugin that I believe no longer has much relevance and is therefore abandoned. It improves the way WordPress works with post attachments, allowing you to add, edit, attach, un-attach and sort the files attached to your WordPress posts, all from within the post editor.

WP Users Media will disable the ability for users to access other users media files, only their own.

Duplicated Media Files

Media Deduper is also a plugin that I am not sure how often I will need, as it identifies duplicate assets and also prevents new duplicates from being added to the media library in the future. Note that duplicate identification is based on the data content of the files themselves, not image metadata.

LH Copy Media File is a plugin that I don’t think I will ever need and which creates duplicates of images in the media library.

WP Media Overwrite – WordPress plugin | WordPress does not overwrite files that have the same name.

date 05. May 2020 | modified 28. Aug 2024
filename: Plugins » Uploads » Management » Essential Operations