SCSS and other preprocessors

SCSS and other preprocessors

I will highlight the things I like and find meaningful. However, if CSS were to add these to its specification, I’m certain I wouldn’t even look at SCSS anymore.

  1. Nesting CSS with the necessary ampersand & variable
  2. The fact that media queries can be written anywhere, even immediately alongside deeply nested CSS rule

Confusion regarding the removal of @import

I’ve tried various things, and it seems like they are trying to steer people away from CSS. Why am I convinced of this?

Tried, won’t work:

  1. Deprecation Warning: As of Dart Sass 2.0.0, !global assignments won’t be able to declare new variables. Recommendation: add $html: null at the stylesheet root.

    @if not global-variable-exists('html') { $html: html !global; }

  2. Error: This module and the new module both define a variable named “$html”

SCSS prešao sam na jebeni import

prevedi poruku na engleski

i ova nova:

I napokon moram da otvorim svoje pitanje pošto sam već više puta u nekoliko navrata pokušavao da rešim ovaj problem.

Kako se sa import prelazi na “@use i @forward”

I i dalje niko nije odgovorio na ono što je čovek pitao. Mislim meni je nestvarno da nekoliko sati pokušavam da nađem rešenje za jednu prostu stvar, a da ne koristim “@import”

Naime, problem je toliko jednostavan da je to strašno, a niko da napiše jednostavno:

  1. Ne želim da menjam NIKAKO fajlove u poslednjem nivou foldera jer su to vrlo često samo obični CSS iz raznih biblioteka. Ne želim da ih pakujem unutar “@mixin” i da ih posle “@forward”-ujem i slično. Želim samo obične originalne fajlove.

  2. U originalnom Nestvarno je koliko

I na kraju, sve ovo hoću da wrapujem jer imam problem sa scope?

CSS preprocessors

First notes from 2013-03-17, just as an interesting fact for me

SASS, LESS, Stylus :: SASS vs. LESS | CSS-Tricks :: Sass vs. Stylus: Who Wins the Minimal Syntax Battle? | Design Shack :: Compass Home | Compass Documentation :: Stylus :: visionmedia/nib · GitHub

Arbitrary CSS preprocessing library for node.js :: visionmedia/rework


A Proof of Concept for Making Sass Faster | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks tonyganch/gonzales-pe: CSS parser with support of preprocessors medialize/sass.js: Sass.js - API for emscripted libsass to run in the browser

Opet o SCSS: No seriously: Don’t use @extend

Razni alati:

css2sass | Convert CSS to SASS / SCSS code ništa nije zajebao, ali ne izvlači boje niti fontove. Ustvari, on je bolji, pošto lepo ukapira kada su stilovi isti pa ih grupiše pod zajednički selector. Dakle, bolji je on.

Repo je jpablobr/css2sass: Convert CSS Snippets to Syntactically Awesome StyleSheets code

Kada bi još imao “Use variables”.

  • sortiranje propertia
  • brisanje dupliranih

2. CSS to SCSS Converter - CSS Portal on jedinop što izvlači boje i fontove, ali nešto baš glupav za sve ostalo.

date 01. Jun 2023 | modified 29. Dec 2023
filename: CSS » SASS aka SCSS Preprocessor