Plugins: Easy Env Switching: Dev > Stage > Prod

Plugins: Easy Env Switching: Dev > Stage > Prod

  • Set the Stage is a plugin that’s super easy to use and does what you expect. Didn’t work for me on same site staging.
  • roots/wp-stage-switcher is made specifically for Bedrock and is perfect.

The other plugins I tested: WP Local Toolbox is outdated, Envs Switcher doesn’t seem to work properly.

ServerPress/local-admin-color-bar: Changes the local Admin bar to another color and adds “LOCAL DEVELOPMENT WEBSITE” DX localhost

To distinguish between different development environments using favicons of different colors, use the following repository: dmhendricks/dev-favicons. This can be easily incorporated into a plugin.

How to Setup a Staging Environment for WordPress Development - Hongkiat on ovde pominje WP Toolbox also has some basic support for Slack notifications ustvari WebHook URL



Environment Debug Admin Toolbar

Display Environment Type

Admin Color Bar on repo ServerPress/admin-color-bar: Public repository for the Admin Color Bar plugin

Show Environment in Admin Bar with repo at pbiron/shc-show-env: Add an indication to the Admin Bar of the environment WordPress is running in (e.g., Prod, Staging, QA, Dev, etc)

Contextual Adminbar Color

Apermo AdminBar with repo apermo/apermo-adminbar: This is a WordPress plugin, that adds links between your different development versions of your website.

This is staging (Label your site)

WP Local Toolbox with repo at joeguilmette/wp-local-toolbox: A simple plugin to set different defaults for local, staging and production servers.

Ideja - za Da ne moram da idem u incognito mode kako bih testirao kako sajt izgleda bez logovanja

header Clear-Site-Data

Header se pominje i ovde, Nebula/Nebula-Child/resources/nebula-safe-mode.php at a8d23f2a86a76be4552c3512455afb607b82b7e8 · chrisblakley/Nebula što nije loš izvor kako clearovati cache na sajtu.

Možeš da koristiš ovaj plugin HTTP Headers sa repo na riverside/http-headers: 🔒 HTTP Headers for Wordpress da ručno podesiš.

Postoji plugin koji to koristi Clear Logout sa repo na PHPWatch/WordPress-Clear-Logout: A tiny WordPress plugin to clear all browser data related to the site upon logout (With Clear-SiteData header), ali za sasvim druge namene.

How to Clear Cache and Cookies on a Customer’s Device – Harry Roberts – Web Performance Consultant

date 10. Feb 2023 | modified 10. Jun 2024
filename: WordPress » Env » Plugins