Wordpress Remote Management

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Centralized WordPress Management or Wordpress Remote Management is the most important operation when you want to maintain a large network of sites. The basic operations needed without question are remotely updating and remote posting.


Free for unlimited usage, but not self-hosted:

  • Jetpack Manage is official Automattic and totally free solution.

  • WP Remote if really free. Problem is that as of autmn 2015, the service is for sale, so we can’t be sure about it’s future development. You can read a very detailed review here.

Self-hosted and free for unlimited basic usage:

  • MainWP in it’s free version offers much more than its competitors, almost all we will ever need. The MainWP Dashboard is a plugin that is hosted on your own WordPress install, and MainWP Child are also only a plugins on child installations. So, there is nothing that is hosted on their servers. If we ever need extra options so desperately, we can also buy it forever as a one time fee.

    Be aware they changed something in pricing model in december of 2015, so they can do it again, in future.

  • InfiniteWP is one of the few self-hosted solution I have found. It’s not free for more complicated tasks, but for basic tasks of updating and backup/restore, the free version works perfectly.

    InfiniteWP - the best way to manage multiple WordPress sites

Premium with some limited free plans:

  • ManageWP is the most well-known WordPress management service and it comes from Belgrade.

  • IThemes Sync is free for up to 10 WordPress websites, but more must be purchased.

  • CMS Commander is not exclusive to Wordpress. Also not free.

  • iControlWP seems quite expensive. They changed the name from Worpit in 2013.

date 01. Jan 0001 | modified 13. May 2024
filename: Plugins » Remote Management
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