Workflow: Uptime Monitor Service

Workflow: Uptime Monitor Service

status page

potpuno besplatni UptimeRobot takođe interesantno

Upmoni | Website Monitoring and Status Pages je besplatan ali ne open-source.

Monika | Monika | Hyperjump Technology sa repo na hyperjumptech/monika: Monika is a command line application to monitor every part of your web app using a simple YAML configuration file. Get alert not only when your site is down but also when it’s slow.

Upptime sa repo upptime/upptime: Uptime monitor and status page powered by GitHub Actions, Issues, and Pages je interesantan jer koristi samo GitHub Actions pa ga temo i hostuješ.

MonSpark is an alternative to UptimeRobot from a Turkish company that looks perfect and which offers a variety of features such as “screenshot monitoring” and “opened-ports monitoring”. Even in the free version, it supports notifications for Slack, Discord, and Microsoft Teams, keyword checks to ensure specific phrases are present on a webpage, text monitoring to track specific text or content changes, and more. The limits include 5 monitors and one status page that can contain multiple monitors and is designed very nice. The Text Monitor option is highly advanced as it allows clicking, specifically an obvious Puppeteer-type workflow, and after a certain actions, it can check the content of the page to see if it is satisfactory. The interface for defining user flows is excellent and very intuitive.

Better Stack is also freeware with free e-mail alerts, 10 monitors and 5 status pages.

OneUptime | One Complete Observability platform. sa repo OneUptime/oneuptime: OneUptime is the complete open-source observability platform.

Status Page On Demand | Gatus sa repo TwiN/gatus: ⛑ Automated developer-oriented status page je orijentisan ka developerima.

Cachet open-source status page system, available on the cachethq/cachet repository, is particularly interesting as it is written in PHP and can be deployed on any shared server.

louislam/uptime-kuma: A fancy self-hosted monitoring tool otprilike ima baš sve.

date 28. Sep 2023 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: Workflow » Uptime Monitor Service