AI Research Agents

AI Research Agents

deep AI research

AI Research Agents: Set to Transform Knowledge Research in 2025 (Plus Top 3 Free Tools) | by Alden Do Rosario | Nov, 2024 | Towards AI

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Feedback by AI offers a convenient solution to swiftly test any ideas within a minute and obtain feedback from over 50 AI characters. Additionally, they have introduced a feature to create a detailed 100+ Page Business Report based on the potential of your business idea. Researcher

Tone and Style | CustomGPT Researcher Documentation

Lasergravur TECHNICAL DEVELOPER FOCUSED with confidence 60.00%

Draht biegen Classified tone: DEFAULT with confidence 20.00%

Eloxieren Classified tone: DEFAULT with confidence 20.00%

Classified tone: TECHNICAL DEVELOPER FOCUSED with confidence 95.00% Classified tone: ACADEMIC SCHOLARLY with confidence 70.00%

Idealno bi bilo za temu: [Main Topic]: [Specific Aspect] + [Context] + [Time Period/Industry] + [Target Audience]

Research Workflow Guide | CustomGPT Researcher Documentation Topic Best Practices | CustomGPT Researcher Documentation Post-Processing | CustomGPT Researcher Documentation

GPT Researcher

Ima i dobar docker compose koji ima svoj UI.

Možeš besplatno da ga pokreneš u Google Colab i treba ti OpenAI API key kao i Tavily API key koji je free. Ovde je i moj instance:, i sve norlano radi, ali je znatno manje detaljan nego CustomGPT. Međutim, mogu da ga namestim da radi Hybrid Research - research u kome bi analizirao nekoliko izvora koje mu dam i slično.

Problem je što Docker nisam baš uspeo da nateram da radi, tako da ostaje Colab samo.

The Future of AI Driven Research is Here | by Assaf Elovic - Freedium Langchain API key: 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

CustomGPT fore i fazoni

What is the default prompt to generate the content and control tone/style?

Here is the default prompt to generate a H3 sub-block: In a blog post about “$TITLE” I have a H2 sub-section “$H2_TITLE”. please write a H3 sub-section “$H3_TITLE” in up to 200 words. Use high degree of readability, perplexity, burstiness, sentence length variation, and first-person human expression with the tone and style of Brian Dean.


Odavde sam izvukao dosta resursa: Introducing deep research | Hacker News

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btahir/open-deep-research: Open source alternative to Gemini Deep Research. Generate reports with AI based on search results. i demo Open Deep Research je stvarno odličan jer biraš svoje linkove.

How to Use Google’s Deep Research, Learn About and NotebookLM Together

date 03. Feb 2025 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: AI » Deep Research