Research: Cross-device Responsive Design Browser Testing
Cross-browser Testing
Cross Browser testing is term for checking on different devices and OS-es. It is like responsive design testing, but on Real Devices. Cross Browser Testing Definition
Testiranje na različitim device
- Browsershots je free open-source online web tool, mislim jedini koji je besplatan a stvarno pokreće na njihovim uređajima. On pravi screenshots in different operating systems and browsers.
Testing Responsive Design
Pregled i testiranje web strana na različitim rezolucijama. U ovoj grupi ima dosta besplatnih rešenja, jer se može izvršavati na mom lokalnom računaru.
Svi ovi su ili besplatni ili open-source:
A Web Developer’s Browser je besplatn modified web browser i vrlo se aktivno unapređuje responsively-org/responsively-app. Ima neke interesantne ideje, kao na primer handy browser extension to easily send links from your browser to the app and preview instantly.
Emmet Re:view is free browser extension, samo za Chrome, for displaying responsive web-pages in a side-by-side views. Na osnovu emmetio/re-view mislim da se više aktivno ne razvija
Responsinator je besplatan sajt za responsive testing
Browsersync - Time-saving synchronised browser testing je open-source synchronised browser testing tool, built on node.JS. Github at BrowserSync/browser-sync. Podržava i browser-based UI i originalni command line.
arielsalminen/Remote-Preview and article i u pitanju je tool za synchronized cross-device testing
ghostlab and Vanamco company, based in Switzerland, are defunct. Mislim da je to bio tool kao Remote Preview, za synchronized cross-device testing
Plaćeni servisi
A sledeći su svi plaćeni:
- Responsive Testing On 3000+ Real Devices & Browsers | BrowserStack
- LambdaTest is Cross Browser Testing Cloud
- Browserling
- Blisk
- Sizzy
- Polypane
- Browsera - Automated Cross Browser Web Application Testing Service
Adobe BrowserLab is no longer available as a service since March 2021
WebPageTest - Website Performance and Optimization Test
WebPagetest has been providing its free open-sourced testing service since 2008
Sranje zbog ovoga: Catchpoint to Acquire
WebPageTest and Catchpoint: Our Year Building and Growing with the Community
WebPageTest’s new Opportunities and Experiments: test practically anything
Website Speed Test | Uptrends is WebPagetest alternative