Browsers: Switch between tabs in the most recently used (MRU) order using Ctrl+Tab shortcut

Browsers: Switch between tabs in the most recently used (MRU) order using Ctrl+Tab shortcut

Switch back and forth between the last two used tabs; MRU (Most Recently Used); Cycle Through Last Tabs

Firefox ima normalnu opciju u Settings pod imenom “Ctrl+Tab cycles through tabs in recently used order” option in the “Tabs” section. U VSCode je to komanda workbench.action.quickOpenPreviousRecentlyUsedEditorInGroup

For those using Windows, this extension is the definitive solution to the problem.

Sad je 2023. godina i u Chrome još to nije moguće uraditi jednostavno jer if you want to set the keyboard shortcuts to Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab you must do this manually in your preferences file as Google doesn’t allow to set this key combinations on the Extensions page.

Najzad sam pronašao rešenje! A trick je jednostavan.

Dovoljan mi je Option 1: Use ctrltab to instantly switch between the two most recent tabs, a trik je da preko koda ubaciš shortcut na strani sa shortcutovima, i onda će prihvatititi. Dakle, odeš na chrome://extensions/shortcuts i u Console ukucaš:

    extensionId: "ldlghkoiihaelfnggonhjnfiabmaficg",
    commandName: "30-toggle-recent-tabs",
    keybinding: "Ctrl+Tab"
date 14. Aug 2023 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: Research » Browser Extensions » Switch to Last Tab with Ctrl+Tab