Browsers » Containers

Browsers » Containers

Containers are Lightweight persistent contexts that isolate sites from one another. For now, only Firefox has containers and that is one of it’s killer features. See what is and isn’t separated and isolated between containers here Containers at MozillaWiki

Amazing Container Features:

  1. Enkapsulacija kontejnera potpuno izoluje kontejner od ostataka. Ovo omogućava da se koristi nekoliko naloga za iste sajtove, a da se ne mora stalno logovati unutra i napolje.

nije baš sve, ali skoro sve

  1. Određeni sajtovi mogu da se uvek automatski otvaraju u određenom kontejneru aka Site assignments

  2. Kontejner prilikom otvaranja automatski ide preko željenog proxyja

    use: official Firefox Multi-Account Containers extension

  3. Svi DNS zahtevi idu takođe preko proxyja

    use: Firefox Inegrated

  4. Da li brisati sve cookie-je ili ne?

No 3: Proxy per Container

I ovo je dosta napredovalo i ako se koristi oficijelna Mozilla ekstenzija Container Proxy je ekstenzija dedicated to managing proxy setting for containers.

Default Container extension ima sasvim korektno podešavanje proxy i pošto se uspešno sinhronizuje, i taj se podatak sinhronizuje. Sa druge strane “Container Proxy” ekstenzija omogućava da podesiš Proxy koji onda primenjuješ na kontejnere. Samim tim, izmenom podataka u Proxy-ju, automatski menjaš parametre pristupa na svim kontejnerima. Nisam siguran šta se dešava kada definišem Proxy na oba mesta i koji dobija prednost.

No 4: Proxying DNS requests

Proper way to do it today is to enable Firefox option Proxy DNS when using SOCKS v5 in Connection Settings That option enables network.proxy.socks_remote_dns value in about:config

Sidebery Firefox extension is awesome because of it contaniner configuration possibilities. Notable thing was setting value Proxying DNS, that no other extension had.

Official Mozilla Firefox Multi-Account Containers extension with repo at mozilla/multi-account-containers In this extension, proxy settings is in a form of socks://user:pass@host:port

Cookies are separated by container, allowing you to use the web with multiple identities or accounts simultaneously.

Firefox Container Tabs: The Best Browser Feature! Here’s How To Use Them - YouTube

Container proxy bekh6ex/firefox-container-proxy: [Firefox extension] Assign a proxy to a Firefox container

VERY NICE: kintesh/containerise: Firefox extension to automatically open websites in a container

mozilla/contain-facebook: Facebook Container isolates your Facebook activity from the rest of your web activity in order to prevent Facebook from tracking you outside of the Facebook website via third party cookies.

Temporary Containers stoically/temporary-containers: Firefox Add-on that lets you open automatically managed disposable containers

Containers Helper firefox-containers-helper/firefox-containers-helper: Firefox multi-account containers are for power users. So is this. Adds bulk container interactivity features missing from the Mozilla Multi-Account Containers extension. - firefox-containers-helper - cmcode-dev/firefox-containers-helper: Firefox multi-account containers are for power users. So is this. Adds bulk container interactivity features missing from the Mozilla Multi-Account Containers extension.

Guide to Firefox Containers (2018) | Hacker News

Firefox + Multi-Account Containers [1] + Container Proxy [2] + Cookie Auto-Delet… | Hacker News

Cookie AutoDelete Cookie-AutoDelete/Cookie-AutoDelete: Firefox and Chrome WebExtension that deletes cookies and other browsing site data as soon as the tab closes, domain changes, browser restarts, or a combination of those events.

Container Bookmarks is a superb and useful add-on from the repository vances678/ContainerBookmarks, a Firefox extension that enhances functionality by opening bookmarks in multi-account containers.


Container related extension:

menhera-org/TabArray: Chrome-like tab groups using private and isolated containers: The ultimate tab manager and groups for Firefox. Container Tab Groups

Interesting privacy extension:

Google Teller - Geiger counter for tracking

Browser extensions to bypass paywalls

Adam’s version is original, ali je on bio lenj.

Bypass Paywalls web browser extension for Chrome and Firefox is at repo iamadamdev/bypass-paywalls-chrome: Bypass Paywalls web browser extension for Chrome and Firefox.

Onda je “magnolia” odlučio da forkuje: Bypass Paywalls Chrome Clean i da doda imenu “Clean” jer nema više Google Analytics. A slažu se da je mnogo bolji i ažurniji.

Bypass Paywalls Clean broNVwser extension review - gHacks Tech News je odličan članak ali i komentari su precious.

Inače, postoji i ova extenzija ali je objašnjenje mehanizma rada i pominjanje zanimljivije: uBypass i repo na HoveringGoat/PaywallBypass


More privacy

dessant/ping-blocker: Stop sites from tracking the links you visit through hyperlink auditing is a browser extension that prevents sites from tracking the links you visit through “hyperlink auditing”. Instaliraj sa Ping Blocker

Provera na Ping Spotter - Interesantno je da proverom “ping-data” koji se šalje, Firefox nije ništa pustio dok Chrome jeste 2 od 3.

The Buster: Captcha Solver for Humans browser extension is an interesting tool that solves reCAPTCHA by playing audio and using speech recognition, on repo dessant/buster: Captcha solver extension for humans.

Snap Links 3 - Lasso links, checkboxes and other elements and do things with them. je cross-browser extension Snap Links Plus

date 09. Mar 2023 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: Research » Browser Extensions » Containers