Hacking and modifying Gutenberg Editor

Hacking and modifying Gutenberg Editor

Panel, Sidebar, Complementary Areas and Slots

I tried to disabled sidebar in Greenshift plugin, but I didn’t succeed :(

My use case was me trying to remove additional panels from sidebar, in Plugin subgroup, for plugin GreenShift. I couldn’t do that using CSS as there were no specific classes to target exactly those entities.

First I needed to discover the names of panels and sidebars:

Discover list of all panels:


Sidebar names I’ve discovered by openin a panel and executing:


So, I’ve got:

  1. greenshift-customsidebarpost/greenShift-custom-settings
  2. greenshift-sidebarposttemplates/greenShift-custom-settings

What are: Complementary Areas

@wordpress/interface | Block Editor Handbook | WordPress Developer Resources



wp.data.dispatch(‘core/editor’).editPost({title: ‘My new title’})

dobar izvor: https://javascriptforwp.com/wordpress-plugin-sidebar-api-tutorial/

otvoris i dobiješ:

wp.data.dispatch(‘core/edit-post’).openGeneralSidebar( ‘greenshift-customsidebarpost/greenShift-custom-settings’ ); wp.data.dispatch(‘core/edit-post’).openGeneralSidebar( ‘greenshift-sidebarposttemplates/greenShift-custom-settings’ );

https://wholesomecode.ltd/create-a-custom-sidebar-with-pluginsidebar Solidan primer: https://gist.github.com/seb86/2e2c45c644df41fd2b09a07e5169c177

A tu je i


Also works: wp.data.dispatch( ‘core/interface’ ).unpinItem( ‘core/edit-post’, ‘greenshift-sidebarposttemplates/greenShift-custom-settings’ );

wp.data.dispatch( ‘core/interface’ ).disableComplementaryArea( ‘core/edit-post’ );

wp.data.select(‘core/interface’).getActiveComplementaryArea(‘core/edit-post’); “greenshift-customsidebarpost/greenShift-custom-settings”

wp.data.dispatch( ‘core/interface’ ).disableComplementaryArea( ‘greenshift-customsidebarpost/greenShift-custom-settings’ );

And then

wp.data.dispatch( ‘core/edit-post’).removeEditorPanel( ‘greenshift-sidebarposttemplates’ ) ali to ništa ne radi

a ima i wp.data.select( ‘core/preferences’ )

Everything is in local storage.


wp.data.select(“core/interface”).getActiveComplementaryArea(“core/edit-post”); wp.data.dispatch(“core/interface”).disableComplementaryArea(“core/edit-post”);


https://developer.wordpress.org/block-editor/reference-guides/slotfills/plugin-more-menu-item/ “core/edit-post/plugin-more-menu”

ali ništa od toga


Možeš nešto ovako posle loadovanja, ali nema veze sa ovim:

const isSidebarOpened = wp.data.select( ‘core/edit-post’ ).isEditorSidebarOpened();

if ( !isSidebarOpened ) { wp.data.dispatch( ‘core/edit-post’ ).openGeneralSidebar(); }

isListViewOpened setIsListViewOpened

Some examples of customization:

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date 20. Dec 2022 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: Wordpress » Gutenberg » Customizing Editor