WordPress: Convert Content to Blocks

WordPress: Convert Content to Blocks

Aside from the Automattic plugin that reported an error during installation, all others seem to be working somehow, but only one wants to work with “mixed” posts that are both block and classic. And that one is a plugin from 10up, and I am actually very satisfied with it.

The Bulk Block Converter by Organic Themes was the first to do this, but it was not maintained, so a better fork, ZamanehMedia/vo-bulk-block-converter, appeared. Based on this article on how to bulk convert Classic blocks, I concluded that posts using a mix of classic and modern blocks will not be picked up by the converter, and the plugin does not convert shortcodes, which are significant shortcomings. However, all of this needs to be personally verified.

Convert to Blocks is a plugin by the famous 10up, which was released for safe migrations. It is specific because it converts “on the fly,” and only when the user enters to edit the Classic post content, will it be parsed into blocks. This strategy reduces the risk, and it is still actively developed in the 10up/convert-to-block repository. Pažnja! Gasi Gutenberg na svim post types koji nisu post ili page.

In the comments of this article, I found out that Automattic also created a bulk-converting plugin called Newspack Content Converter, which is available in the Automattic/newspack-content-converter repository. This plugin enables automated conversion of pre-Gutenberg post content to Gutenberg blocks content. It may not be maintained significantly, but I believe it works.

LeoColomb/wp-classic-to-blocks is the one that I will not try because it is a node.js application that converts thousands of posts with a minimal impact on the database.

multidots/convert-classic-editor-to-gb-blocks is an older plugin that works in the browser for each post, just like the 10up plugin and this is why I see no reason to try it. Ustvari, on kovertuje sve u svoj neki blok Multipurpose Gutenberg Block i to manuelno, pa je zato besmislen.

A recently introduced plugin mentioned in the article by Marie Comet and available on the MarieComet/convert-classic-to-gutenberg repository is definitely worth trying out. Pokušao sam (“Tools > Classic To Gutenberg”) jer je jedini aktuelan u smislu da je poslednji commit u 2022 godini, ali jednostavno ne radi.

date 01. Feb 2023 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: Wordpress » Gutenberg » Convert Content to Blocks