Block Collections

Block Collections

The best library without question is: Gutenberghub Template Library and it is not even a plugin but Chrome extension .

  • Spectra by the creators of Astra theme, ex UAG aka Ultimate Addons. Assets are dynamically loaded for only those blocks that are used on a page. See all the available Spectra blocks. Spectra has domain uagb

  • Kadence Blocks garantuju inteligentno učitavanje. Kadence Blocks only loads CSS or Javascript when you need it and only for the blocks you are using on a specific page. Check the list of blocks here

  • Essential Blocks for Gutenberg by WPDeveloper, isto tvrde da ne dodaju ništa, ali nisam proveravao. Većina blokova postoji i kao odvojeni plugin samo za taj individualni block. Ima dosta blokova koji su vizuelno atraktivni i flashy, na primer: Image Comparison, Typing Text, Instagram Feed, Advanced Navigation block, etc. Sve blokove možeš pregledati ovde

Ove kolekcije su blizu, ali još imaju bugova.

  • CoBlocks by GoDaddy. It is also a favorite of Matt as seen here. CoBlocks is 100% free and always will be. Problem je što je često vrlo bagovit i puni JS console sa greškama, a sporo ih ispravljaju, ali je dobro da je pravi open-source.

  • Ultimate Blocks. Can disable individual blocks to keep site lightweight.

  • Caxton Blocks is completely free and quite lightweight. I don’t like its settings menu position or included bloat.

  • Atomic Blocks by WP Engine (hosting) that also acquired StudioPress (Genesis) and Array’s themes (makers of Atomic Blocks). Soon there will be Atomic Blocks Pro version. Atomic Blocks has been renamed to Genesis Blocks

  • Otter Blocks by ThemeIsle are quite nicely designed as seeing at Blocks Demo page, a meni se posebno svideo Maps Block. What’s the difference between Otter Free and Otter Pro? - ThemeIsle Docs

  • Ghost Kit has also template library plus some nice customizations (but little bit bloated). Međutim, autor je odličan i isti onaj koji je radio Lazy Blocks.

  • GT Blocks

GutenBee je dosta dobar, i ima odlične Accordion, Spacer, blokove, ali je Post Types najkorisniji. Mogu da se ugase koji god poželiš. Ima i Google Maps Block, ali i Image Comparison, dok Container nema link.

Blokovi koji dodaju unique ID na svaku instancu: GreenShift (id), BlockOns (uniqueId), Kadence (uniqueId), Essential Blocks (blockId) Blokovi koji ne dodaju: CoBlocks, Any small independent block

Responsive Gutenberg Blocks Library

Paid: Block Styles for WordPress - BlockStyles

Paid plugin Extendify: No 3rd party block collection, no legacy page builder. Just blazing fast, native WordPress templates. Library - Extendify a to guraju i u Redux: Redux - The World’s Best Full Page Builder For Gutenberg


About performance: GenerateBlocks loads only CSS conditionally based upon the blocks present on the page.


Extendify is pattern collection made only from core-blocks Core Gutenberg blocks. Get beautiful patterns and layouts without the added maintenance of third-party blocks or block collections, as our Gutenberg block patterns are made with core WordPress blocks whenever possible.

Nije loš, ali većinu efekata pravi uz pomoć custom utility CSS classes koje sve inline-uje u stranu pa ih je lako locirati u koristiti.

Napomena o Extendify je firma koja nudi kompletnu customizaciju za hosting providere a pokupavala je svašta od manjih proizvoda, na primer kupili su EditorsKit jer originalni autor taking on a new role with 10up as a web engineer left him little time to devote to the plugin.

Osim toga ista je firma Extendify kupila i Editor Plus koji takođe služi za customizaciju core blokova i dodavanje par novih. Osim toga, oni su kupili the Redux Framework in November 2020. Kasnije sam video da je sam plugin Extendify ustvari nastao kao spin-off odnosno izdvojen iz Redux frameworka jer piše na njihovom repo za verziju 4.4.


EditorsKit is a toolkit, not a collection of blocks, as confirmed by its slug “Block Options”. Look at its active presence on the CakeWP/block-options repository, which serves various customizations mostly related to core blocks. Some options that I find particularly interesting are:

  1. The “Better Custom CSS Class(es)” functionality is an improvement on the core “Additional CSS Class(es)” option, where the plugin provides a better UI with class suggestions while typing, powered by a custom PHP filter. Theme developers can include custom utility classes for more customization options.

  2. It adds a link to the “Cover, Group and Column” block, so there is no need for an additional “Container/Wrapper” block. This will eventually be added to the core, but until then, we have to use plugins like this one.

  3. Another thing that should be in the core but isn’t is about the basic “Media and Text” block that doesn’t have the ability to display an image from any URL, like the image block does, but you have to upload the image for it. EditorsKit fixes this and easily adds custom URL as image content. Additionally, you can set the Media and Text Block to display as a card layout with the option to set the image on top or bottom.

  4. Related to the previous feature, some core blocks will be enriched with the ability to “expand” the link to the entire block. The Twentig plugin also has this interesting feature.

  5. It has a “Blocks Manager” option, which should make it easy for you to toggle blocks.

Also features: Set Image Block as Featured, Toggle Title Visibility, Block Guide Lines, very advanced block Visibility settings.

In addition to these, it also has export/import functionality and other improvements. They have even tried bootstrapping ShareABlock, but it did not gain traction among developers.

Greenshift, neverovatan plugin

ustvari odličan video blok i baš animirani blokovi

a i ostali blokovi izgledaju odlično, imaju odličan icon block, svi blokovi su linkabilni, imaju blokove koji prate klasičnu CSS strukturu, itd Ali su sve to baš samo njihovi blokovi

Ustvari, LUDILO mi je dobar plugin! Ludilo! Njihov baš dobar tekst: Quick tip on how to make extremely heavily animated pages with 100 scores on web vitals - Greenshift I loaduje sve po bloku, SAMO kada mu je neophodno

Uporedio sam njihov video block i bukvalno je isti kao moj po brzini, a ima milion podešavanja preko mog. Implementiraj plugin koji lepo sakriva menije a zatim sakriva i plugin od svih koji nisu TI. Neću da se igde to vidi.

Ima neka ludila! Figma styles to Attribute conversions Ma ludilo - SVE mi treba!

to i kaže na home strani: No global files Greenshift doesn’t load anything on your pages which you don’t use on page. Each block has independent assets

Wp Rocket is premium plugin, but the same option is available in free plugins. For example, Flying Scripts (which can be also useful to delay Analytics and other external plugins)

Again, it’s important to have simple first screen on mobiles to make this helpful. Also, if you check Excluded option, we added aoslight.js there. It’s because we still want to use some animations before scripts execution. Latest Greenshift version has very small animation script, just 0.4kb so you can use Animation panel in blocks without affecting page speed (but don’t enable gsap library in such top screen animations).

Material Design for WordPress je oficijalna kolekcija blokova. Interesantno je da sadrži potpuno funkcionalni blok “wp:material/contact-form” koji je potpuno funkcinalni mali Contact Form i koji ima još inner specifičnih blokova koje podržava. Čini mi se da ga koristi Blockpress tema, ali definitivno najbolje radi uz Material Design Google temu koja pak još nije u potpunosti FSE tema.

Attire Blocks, Gutenberg Blocks and Page Layouts ladno ima sve dynamic data i za custom post typove, ali je loše što je baziran na Bootstrap CSS. A možda to i nije loše? How To Disable Bootstrap/Font Awesome In Attire Blocks

Qubely – Advanced Gutenberg Blocks nije toliko loš set, ali sve vreme bolesno reklamira Pro, tako da ga koristi samo ako moraš. U pitanju je neki indijac koji kupuje druge pluginove, pa zaboravi.

Nije loš plugin koji dodaje neke osnovne stilske mogućnosti core blokovima, Block Enhancements, ali je interesantno da možeš birati koji blok podržava koju opciju. Phi Phan Launches Block Enhancements WordPress Plugin – WP Tavern

Qi Blocks je velika kolekcija sa nekoliko odličnih pluginova, ali previše forsiraju kupovinu Pro verzije.

date 11. Jan 2020 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: Wordpress » Gutenberg » Blocks » Collections