WordPress: Testing

WordPress: Testing

Handbooks intended for developer and business professionals Infinum handbooks

The basics and types of automated testing in WordPress are explained in detail in the WordPress Handbook by the Croatian company Infinum. This article provides a comprehensive overview of various testing techniques applied to WordPress, directing readers to reliable sources for further information. Additionally, it briefly covers the Codeception and Pest tools, Brain Monkey for mocking, WP_Mock for API mocking.

Verovatno najbolja stvar za testing Wordpress: VRTs – Visual Regression Tests sa sajtom na Ludilo plugin VRTs - Visual Regression Tests | WordPress Plugin - Bleech How Does Visual Regression Testing Work? - Bleech

How to implement custom A/B testing in WordPress? - Bleech

Ali nije jedini: The Top 14 Visual Regression Testing Tools For WordPress

Testing WordPress Blocks

Prvi testovi za WP koje sam video a koje stvarno razumem: How to test your Gutenberg blocks with Jest and Puppeteer · Blog · Liip i repo liip/e2e-tests-example-wp-plugin: Example how to write E2E tests for a Gutenberg block in WordPress

date 27. Aug 2019 | modified 10. Jun 2024
filename: Wordpress » Env » Testing