Deployment Strategies

Deployment Strategies

Deploy from GitHub to site using FTP: Our WordPress Workflow with GitHub Action

Official Deploy From GitHub Workflow SamKirkland/FTP-Deploy-Action: Deploys a GitHub project to a FTP server using GitHub actions or SSH SamKirkland/web-deploy: Deploy your website automatically for free

There is also Branch as automated deployments for WordPress.

A deployment tool written in PHP with support for popular frameworks out of the box. How to Deploy a WordPress Project | Deployer

Local Dev Server for WordPress Developers:

Wordmove by welaika is interesting Ruby deployment tool that works over FTP also, in an quite interesting way: How to sync the DB via FTP?. Addendum is welaika/wordless_gem as CLI tool to setup a new instance locally.

MediakodTeam/wp-plugin-deployeur: This plugin will help you to deploy your WordPress contents to Netlify or Vercel hosting using Webhooks and will empowers WordPress with features that allow users to review and launch a deploy only when they are ready to. ali mislim da ovo nije za te svrhe nego za static site

yukihiko-shinoda/dockerfile-deploy-wordpress-plugin: Dockerfile for deploy WordPress plugin from Git repository.

Mislim da je ovo najnaprednije:

semantic-release/wordpress: 🐶 Semantic Release plugin for packaging up WordPress plugins / themes

a njega koristi i Sibin Grašić u svojim GitHub actions oblakstudio/semantic-release-wp-config: Shareable config for releasing WordPress plugins and themes dok je ranije koristio now deprecated oblakstudio/action-pack-wp-plugin: Packs and prepares a WordPress plugin for distribution.

Projekat WP Tide je oficijelni sistem koji automatski proverava nove pluginove da li zadovoljavaju standarde…

Releasing a product for

Ne baš to isto ali vrlo interesantno WP Git Deploy

date 08. Feb 2023 | modified 10. Jun 2024
filename: Wordpress » Env » Deploy
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