Singular Block: Gallery, Lightbox, Masonry

Singular Block: Gallery, Lightbox, Masonry


je prikazivanje slika na gomili

Masonry Image Gallery Gutenberg Block je CSS only masonry od autora koji je odličan, a JS je only for Lightbox

je kada klikneš pa se uveća

Simple Block Gallery is CSS only, and will add the effect of both Masonry and Slider to images gallery. Highly respected Japanese author with a minimalistic attitude.

Gallery Block Lightbox plugin appears to be new and impressive as it adds a Lightbox feature to the standard WordPress Image Gallery Block. This plugin is available in the goaround/gallery-block-lightbox repository.

Gutenberg Gallery Blocks Lightbox plugin transforms the Gutenberg gallery block into a lightbox with previous/next navigation.

About Lightbox CSS Technique

Image gallery WP Block Gallery by GoDaddy, but there are lot of other plugins for this also. DEPRECATED as of 2020 in favor of the gallery blocks within CoBlocks

SimpLy Gallery Blocks

Visual Portfolio, Photo Gallery & Post Grid je super autor

Novi? Simple Lightbox je jednostavan - on na svakoj slici automatski aktivira lightbox.

LightBox Block je od bPlugins LLC, koji uglavnom prave bloated shit.

Vrlo lep lightbox koji ipak traži JS, iako ne znam što ovo ne može u CSS: spinningarrow/zoom-vanilla.js: Medium’s image zoom in vanilla JS (no jQuery). koji ne zavisi od jQuery i to je u suštini fancy zoom.

Prateći tekst je Gallery of Images with Magnifying Effect for Website, ali library davno nije updated:

JS Image Zoom by csomorelwood plugin koristi neki svoj super mali JS, pa možda to implementiraj -

Ima tu gomila libs, ne kapiram što:

imgix/drift: Easily add “zoom on hover” functionality to your site’s images. Lightweight, no-dependency JavaScript.

Zoom Image sa repo na willnguyen1312/zoom-image: A little yet powerful framework agnostic headless library to zoom images on the web

malaman/js-image-zoom: Image zoom on mouse hover for desktop browsers without external dependencies hakimel/zoom.js: zoom in on any element in the DOM

Kao onaj “loupe” magnifier: xZoom | jQuery Zoom Gallery plugin a postoji i sličan plugin Image Magnify Glass – Gutenberg Image Block

Fullscreen Lightbox | Vanilla JavaScript Lightbox Plug-in

hakimel/stroll.js: CSS3 list scroll effects Meny - A three dimensional and space efficient menu concept hakimel/forkit.js: an animated GitHub ribbon Flipside

Ladda - Buttons with built-in loading indicators for forms

btw, i Lightbox može da bude CSS only:

Savršeno: maoberlehner/perfundo: a pure CSS lightbox (now with JavaScript). CSS3 Lightbox Lightbox.css - A Pure CSS lightbox solution CSS Only Minimal Responsive Image Gallery lightbox - CSSBox | CSS Script Cerealkillerway/css-lightbox: Simple lightbox effect made only with css JS Bin - Collaborative JavaScript Debugging

Lightbox, with no JavaScript - DEV Community

Odličan autor o tome: CSS { In Real Life } | Masonry? In CSS only?!

Malo stariji tekst o tipični Layout patterns (masonry, mosaic) ako mi zatreba, flexbox CSS: Common CSS Flexbox Layout Patterns with Example Code | Tobias Ahlin

Infinite All Images je WP plugin od autora Japanskog minimaliste je shortcode koji prikazuje gomilu slika kao desandro/Masonry koristeći metafizzy/infinite-scroll. Međutim, te libs - ovo su stari JS library iz 2017 za Packery or Masonry, koji više nisu potrebni.

image comparison block Beaf – Photo Comparison Block od odličnog autora

date 11. Jan 2021 | modified 13. Jun 2024
filename: Wordpress » Blocks Singular » Gallery & Lightbox