Woocommerce: Performance

Woocommerce: Performance

Optimize SQL

Server variables that can be used to tune insert speed How to Quickly Insert Data Into MariaDB - MariaDB Knowledge Base

optimization - Speeding up row counting in MySQL - Stack Overflow How To Optimize Queries and Tables in MySQL and MariaDB on a VPS | DigitalOcean mysql - How to speed up queries on a large 220 million rows table (9 gig data)? - Database Administrators Stack Exchange Cloudspace | Fast MySQL InnoDB count. Really fast COUNT(*) vs COUNT(col) - MySQL Performance Blog 10 Tips for Optimizing MySQL Queries (That don’t suck) MySQL single query performance - the truth! | FromDual - MySQL, Galera Cluster, MariaDB and Percona Server support, SLA and services

15 Useful MySQL/MariaDB Performance Tuning and Optimization Tips Query Optimizations - MariaDB Knowledge Base

What would the best plugin to speed up a WordPress site be if it uses WooCommerce? : Wordpress

Finding and Fixing Slow WordPress Database Queries

Fragment caching

WordPress Fragment Caching Revisited | CSS-Tricks

Optimize Woocommerce (cache)

Problems with cart sessions and WooCommerce | Mike Jolley What I learnt whilst tackling the box packing problem for WooCommerce Shipping | Mike Jolley https://wordpress.org/support/topic/w3tc-w3-total-cache-woocommerce-recommended-settings?replies=8

Configure caching plugins for

Configuring caching plugins | WooThemes Documentation

“MySQL database processes a single query at a time” - per connection.

Gets posts and adds all custom meta for that post to the post object. No matter how many results this is only 2 db queries.

WordPress: Get Post Awesome · GitHub WordPress: Pagination With Get Post Awesome Loop · GitHub An optimized way to get posts and post meta : Wordpress

Flattening a parent-child table

Exactly what I want? SmarteCart/gbs-addon-query-optimizer-beta · GitHub

Janne Pyykkö’s BI Blog: SQL trick for flattening a parent-child table and vice versa SQL Server Forums - How to flatten a hierarchical table? Flattening Out Data with One of the Coolest SQL Tricks Ever The simplest(?) way to do tree-based queries in SQL (dirtSimple.org)

A Bunch of Great Strategies for Using Memcached and MySQL Better Together - High Scalability -

Create mysql trigger via PHP? - Stack Overflow Multipart/formatted MySQL query problem - WordPress Development Stack Exchange

wordpress - SQL Trigger which add a new string if not exist - Stack Overflow gbs-addon-query-optimizer-beta/groupBuyingQueryOptimization.class.php at master · SmarteCart/gbs-addon-query-optimizer-beta · GitHub

Custom Queries « WordPress Codex Displaying Posts Using a Custom Select Query « WordPress Codex

Enable MySQL’s slow query log without a restart

Multiple column index - Indexes work left to right: indexing - Understanding multiple column indexes in mysql query - Stack Overflow Multiple column index vs multiple indexes with MySQL 5.6

Faceted search

WordPress › scifi Facets

This guy is data wrangler at Automattic, and they are using ElasticSearch on everything.

Mapping WordPress Posts to Elasticsearch and Automattic/wpes-lib · GitHub

Presentation: Elasticsearch at Automattic | gibrown


Elastic Search as SaaS

Wp-elasticsearch by searchbox-io

WooCommerce Speed Drain Repair is an optimization plugin for Woo that stops loading unnecessary items within WooCommerce, thus speeding up the WordPress core admin-ajax.php file.

date 29. Oct 2015 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: Woo » Performance