Plugins: Process On Upload

Plugins: Process On Upload

Ovo su dodaci koji rade neku transformaciju na datotekama u trenutku uploada. Najčešće je to postavljanje datoteke u pravi folder i na pravu lokaciju, ali je često i setovanje neke meta-date po nekom predefnisanom pravilu.

Better Upload Experience

Paste To Upload

  • The Paste | mcguffin/the-paste pasting images to upload them. Radi i u Media Library i u Insert media. Nakon uploada omogućava izbor file formata kao WebP, PNG ili JPeg. Ujedno, to mu je i mana a možda čak i prednost, ali nije do njega, što je fotka jednom konvertovana u clipboard pa zatim ponovo u fajl. Ustvari, što više razmišljam svesniji sam da je to prednost. Nakon uploada odabereš lepo i ime i stepen kompresije.

  • Paste To Media iako ga nisam probao, mislim da omogućava samo single paste i to samo u Media Library

Upload using URL

This plugin allows you to grab images from remote URLs and save them into your WordPress media library. Znači, nijedan ustvari ne radi kako bi trebalo i ispada da je najbolje rešenje “The Paste”.

Sledeći imaju odvojenu stavku menija pod “Media” a to je način koji mi se ne sviđa previše jer ne postoji upload kada radiš insert iz “Media Library”.

WP-CLI takođe ima način da Import an image from the web.

Upload from remote FTP

Ovo stvarno uneseš credentials za remote FTP i on povlači fajlove odande. Vrlo interesantno Media with FTP ali to NIJE “Media from FTP” od onog japanca.

Postoji i napušteni Remote Upload na repo arshidkv12/remote-upload gde uneseš spisak fajlova koje će on uploadovati - bez veze.

Cleanup & Sanitize Filename on Upload

Must do the following:

  1. Convert international characters to normal, maybe even transliterate cyrilic to latin
  2. Remove invalid and strange charactes
  3. Replaces any ‘+’, ‘_’ or space with dash ‘-’
  4. All the dots ‘.’ except last one are replaced with ‘-’
  5. Lowercase everything

U ovu grupu mogu da svrstam i “Image Tag Manager” iako on radi dosta više od toga, a pominjem ga kasnije.

Clean Image Filenames will convert and accent characters to non-accent, including German umlauts

Filenames to Latin works for Cyrillic including Serbian

Clean Filenames seems perfect and even does Cyrillic!

BEA – Sanitize Filename

Transliterate Filenames on Upload

There a lot of those plugins for Serbian and German on other document

Set Filename, Folder Location or Metadata on File Upload

When uploading a media file, those pluging should automatically generate the filename based on some advanced parameters, and not just the month and year. This will better organize media library.

Set File Location on Upload

Custom Upload Dir is interesting utility plugin. WP by default stores new uploads in year-month based structure, but this plugin will adda a lot of new variables like post title, category, post author, post date and more. All those variables are available when media is attached from post or page, so do it like that.

To je plugin pomoću koga praviš custom lokaciju za upload za svaki post type, na osnovu mnoštva korisnih varijabli. How To Customize Media Upload Directory In WordPress [WordPress tip] - Hongkiat

Custom Upload Folder plugin enables user to select the upload folder manually and choose from the predefined locations. Another plugin with a similar idea is Relocate Upload, which may no longer be functional, but allows you the similar functionality.

Media Folders Lite Prilikom uploada ručno odaberi gde ćeš pohraniti sliku, is almost the same ali ipak unapređeno u ondosu na “Custom Upload Folder”.

Set Filename & Meta on Upload

The Image Tag Manager plugin, which unfortunately has not been updated recently and therefore has a lot of warnings on PHP8, is a great tool available on bradleydalina/image-tag-manager. It enables almost every image meta-field (alt, title, caption and description) to be auto-set upon upload, as well as providing detailed filename cleanup. Among its less significant yet intriguing features is the ability to “disable srcset and sizes”.

SEO File Names | AfterglowWeb/afg-seo-file-names allows you to define the filename pattern that will be applied on upload. Plugin will gather that data from the post, page or term you are currently editing: title, slug, category, tag or taxonomy, type, dates, author and based on pattern and data, plugin will set media filename.

LH Image Renamer will trigger renaming only for images uploaded as attachments. It will appends a file safe string to the front the file name which is based on the post, page, or CPTs slug or post title.

Auto Rename Media On Upload will just add a prefix to the beginning of the filename, based on the filetype, for example, on every JPEG prefix filename “img-” and such. Really not extremly useful.

Rename Image Meta to Title auto-set Media Library image slug, file, and URL to the file title

Add Prefix on File Upload

Retired Plugins

Extend Media Upload (retired)

Extend Media Upload a ustvari već penzionisan, od Japanese minimalist author.

I za ovaj plugin se dobija upozorenje da će “Extend Media Upload” will be closed eventually with no more maintenance, da je “Organize Media Folder” successor, i da treba u potpunosti preći na njega. Sve su funkcije ionako već ugrađene u novi plugin. Ako je već aktiviran zajedno sa tim pluginom, pisaće: “The plugin “Extend Media Upload” is activated. Please stop it as it may cause unexpected errors.”

Upload Media EXIF Date (retired)

Upload Media EXIF Date je ustvari već penzionisan. Inače, funkcija je bila da prilikom uploada, odmah se podešava datum slike da bude isti kao datum koji je pročitan iz EXIF metadate. Napomena: Kada je plugin aktivan uporedo sa pluginom “Extend Media Upload”, prikazuje se poruka: “The plugin “Upload Media Exif Date” is activated. Please stop it as it may cause unexpected errors.”

Pošto ovo i nije toliko loša ideja, razmisli da forkuješ ovaj plugin.

EXIF Caption + EXIF Details (do changes only on demand)

Sve operacije se rade iz zasebnog menija “Media > Exif Caption”

Exif Caption može da, na zahtevm podesi caption ili alt-tag od slike tako da bude neka od vrednosti iz EXIF podataka. Međutim, on ne može ovo da radi prilikom uploada automatski, već samo ručno. Da bi se to radilo automatski, potrebno je dokupiti drugi add-on Organize Media Folder Add On i koji košta $30 zauvek. Dakle, sa tim addon-om dobijaš da se izmena dešava automatski prilikom upload-a.

Exif Details, koji samo dopunjuje “EXIF Caption”, će pokupiti još više podataka iz slike, a zatim te podatke možeš upotrebiti u pluginu Exif Caption za postavljanje captiona ili alt-taga. Pošto je to proširenje plugina “EXIF Caption”, samim tim, samo dodaje nove podatke u operacijama koje se nalaze u meniju “Media > Exif Details”

The Large Images Uploader plugin has the ability to Attach-Detach uploaded images to posts, in addition to its obvious function. When needed, I would pay a high price for this plugin.

date 05. May 2020 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: Plugins » Uploads » Management » Process on Upload