Plugins: SVG Support and other MIME Types

Plugins: SVG Support and other MIME Types


How to Use SVG in WordPress | StylemixThemes WPIcons - Home

IconPress Lite – Icon management in WordPress - moćan Manager for Icomoon - ne radi

GitHub - FortAwesome/wordpress-fontawesome: Font Awesome Official WordPress Plugin

Simplest something: pixelcollective/tiny-svg: SVG support for the WordPress media library. Enable SVG, WebP & ICO Upload  , only the menu is in ugly position so relocate it

Uh, odličan Lord of the Files: Enhanced Upload Security takođe dozvoljava AVIF upload ali samo na nivou MIME types.

Manage allowed MIME types

Dodavanje MIME type-a je enough for enabling SVG and ICO uploads.

LH Media Mime Types čovek takođe piše clean code, a sam plugin je ustvari koristan jer dodaje kolonu MIME type u media library.

“Enhanced Media Library” plugin takođe poseduje opcije za manipulaciju MIME types.

WP Extra File Types is an old and badly coded plugin that offers a huge list of MIME types from which you can choose which ones you want to add to WP.

WP Add Mime Types is not amazingly coded, but it is an improvement because it displays a list of all supported MIME types in WordPress, to which you can manually add.

The MIME Types Plus plugin, developed by my favorite Japanese minimalist, allows for basic manipulation of MIME types.

The plugin WR Allow modern images simply adds MIME types for various AVIF formats. After reviewing the plugin, it appears that only the following code is involved.

Plugin Enable SVG Uploads is coded in an ugly OOP manner in the Lewiscowles1986/WordPressSVGPlugin repository, but it is advanced as it performs various tasks related to SVG, such as saving dimensions in image metadata. An older, classic version of a similar plugin with fewer capabilities can be found in the dmhendricks/WordPressSVGPlugin repository.

HappyFiles also supports SVG Upload, Sanitization & Preview

Both SVG and WebP support have been optimized, with the former being implemented through the “Admin and Site Enhancements” plugin and the latter through the official “Performance Lab” plugin.

No longer needed

Instead, we use modules from the following plugins

date 17. Jan 2020 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: Plugins » Uploads » Images » Formats » SVG and MIME Types