Plugins » Server Monitoring

Plugins » Server Monitoring

Server monitoring plugins

I’m searching for plugins that offer basic server statistics. Of particular importance are the memory usage and the amount of space occupied by each folder.

All of these plugins display information exclusively within the admin area.

Only in the Admin bar, you can find the Memory Usage Bar plugin. However, please be aware that when you are logged in but viewing the frontend of the website, the plugin does not display. This limitation is quite nonsensical, and as a result, I am compelled to install the Memory Meter plugin.

Samo u admin bar Memory Meter ali vrlo prominentno i obojeno, ali poseduje logging capability gde evidentira memory consumption of requests. Nije loš za development ali je i za stage i za production previše vidljiv u admin bar-u a i ima 15 menija i submenija bez razloga.

Disk Usage and Folder sizes

Meni su najlepši DiskHero, pa zatim Sunburst.

DiskHero appears to be both the most visually appealing and the simplest to use in my opinion, and it can display the size of all folders and files.

Disk Usage Sunburst is a tool that helps identify the largest files in your WordPress installation, developed by It serves a similar purpose to DiskHero, but its display method has never been intuitive to me.

The Health Check & Troubleshooting (Site Health) plugin already provides information about folder sizes.

Disk Space Usage prikazuje slobodan prostror na disku i to only in the dashboard, and in paid version not only monitors disk space but also memory, and supports email triggers. This makes it ideal for production environments as it sends notifications. It is best to disregard it.

My Simple Space generates a dashboard panel displaying folder sizes information ali ne prikazuje ukupan slobodan prostor na disku, as well as basic information in the admin footer. On huge sites, it “freezes” the Dashboard for some time, possibly due to space calculations. This makes it seem amateurishly written and usable only for small folders, especially considering that plugin “Health Check” offers the same option.

Disk Usage is a frontend for the Unix du command, odnosno stvarno radi exec("du -s ... pa ga možeš preskočiti.

Monitoring on Env Types

Koji plugin treba staviti na koji environment i zašto?

Setup on dev env:

jer podržava tačnije merenje i ima i dashboard i footer, a još WP_DEBUG status u footer

wp plugin install wp-memory-usage –activate

Setup on staging: # imace i u admin bar + footer + dashboard, plus info o WP_DEBUG wp plugin install wpmm-memory-meter memory-usage-bar debug-status-display-footer –activate

Setup on production env: # samo admin bar warning for search engines, plus WP_DEBUG status u footer wp plugin install search-engines-blocked-warning debug-status-display-footer –activate

atec Cache Info

Predivan plugin

disk statistics plugin

Hosting Monitor još od pre:

date 21. Sep 2023 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: Plugins » Server Monitoring