Plugin: JSON-LD Schema

Plugin: JSON-LD Schema

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author - Property

Zašto je odjednom značajan Author schema?

Ovo je bukvalno ono što Guido radi: How to use Author Schema and Profile Pages to Build Author Authority Essential Types of Schema Markups to Increase Visibility Google Recommends Adding Author URL in Article Schema Google recommends author page URL be added to ‘Article’ Schema structured data

Ceo sajt pregledaj SEO News by Coywolf

Learn About Article Schema Markup | Google Search Central  |  Documentation  |  Google for Developers Google recommends author page URL be added to ‘Article’ Schema structured data


date: 2017-01-12

Structured markup ( via JSON-LD)

There is more in other documents… Getting to know, and adding, JSON-LD to a WordPress site | Aaron T. Grogg Structured Data - Learn SEO - Moz - Moz How to Add Markup to WordPress for Better SEO

Add Markup To Any WordPress Theme - Tyler Longren WordPress Theme Devs: Add Markup To Your Themes - Tyler Longren Add Markup to WooCommerce Products - Tyler Longren

Google Rich Snippets =

We absolutely require support for Google Rich Snippets. You can test your page for Structured Data with Google’s Testing Tool

Enabling Rich Snippets for Reviews and Ratings

Specific schema types?

WebPage is what I want, or?

wordpress - Google Search

!!! WordPress Theme Devs: Add Markup To Your Themes - Tyler Longren !!! How to Add Markup to WordPress for Better SEO Add To Your WordPress Theme Add itemprop:image Microdata to WordPress Featured Image

Great Example:


The data, enclosed within the <script type="application/ld+json"> ... </script> tags as shown in the examples below may be placed in either the <HEAD> or <BODY> region of the page. Either way, it won’t affect how your document appears in user’s web browsers.

The bible: Google Schemas Also very important: JSON-LD vs microdata Google Article Rich Snippets Guide Updated for AMP Structured Data on the Web

Steal Our JSON-LD | JSON-LD Schema Markup Examples

Full Hierarchy -

The best explained gude with a perfect example needed for us: Microdata, JSON-LD & Schema: Rich Snippets Guide

JSON-LD in Real Life: Understanding and Implementing Structured Data | Distilled

The rules for aggregate review

Review snippet guidelines

  • Don’t add review stars to all pages at once, but add them gradually over time
  • Don’t try to place them on your homepage

Wordpress Plugins

Is there any special support for AMP pages or not? It has to have, or not?

  • JSON-LD for Article is discontinued but it was the simplest solution without any settings. There is more expanded fork wp-jsonld and it plays nicely with YASR review plugin.

Thoroughly reviewed:

  • WPSSO is huge behemoth, but it actually is not that bad if you also need social markup or even Social Sharing Buttons. There is a Pro version, but lots of extensions are free like:

    Only when you dig deeper, you notice this message: The Free / Basic version of WPSSO JSON does not include support for the Schema type So no, it doesn’t support Product Schema Type in free version.

  • WP SEO Structured Data Schema is very straightforward and supports AggregateRating out of the box. Problem is that for now, there is no way to use it on custom post types. There is also no way to set any default values. Simple, small but too limited.

  • Schema / home / extensions Review. I like this plugin as it is simple, fast and straightforward. It doesn’t support AggregateRating (only reviewRating via free extension) and I have found no way to add Product schema type - schema types will be added in the future.

  • All In One Rich Snippets supports is by far the most popular one, but it is used for presenting manually entered reviews on front-end, by using metabox in every post type. Supports AggregateRating, but it doesn’t support JSON-LD. It is not really what I need.

Just mentioned:

Use the right HTML5 tags for better HTML structure

HTML 5 Tags

  • Deciding on markup in tables with logos. In paragraph: Example 14.3 of this official resource draft: HTML5: Techniques for providing useful text alternatives, it is clearly stated to specify empty alt attribute.

  • Use simple span just to explain something, like: <span title="Explanation">something</span>.

  • If it is abbreviation, a shortened form of a word or phrase, use <abbr title="Unknown Flying Object">UFO</abbr>

  • section is generic semantic element, just like div when you need styling.

You must read:

To check the basic structure of a page (outline):

Doing it via PHP

How to Use Aggregate Review Schema to Get Stars in the Search Results for Local Businesses Code in this plugin is simplest as it can be.

We can also use data dynamically fetched using AJAX: JSON-LD markup inserted by JavaScript that runs upon initial page load is also recognized.

Implementing JSON-LD in Wordpress

Less Popular HTML Tags

Schema & Structured Data for WP & AMP je izgleda besplatan i podržava sve kako treba - vidi How many schema types do we support – Schema & Structured Data for WP Documentation, sa repo na ahmedkaludi/schema-and-structured-data-for-wp: Creating the best Structured Data and Schema plugin for WordPress

Remove Schema Websitescanner Custom Schema

date 25. Jan 2024 | modified 17. Aug 2024
filename: Plugins » SEO » JSON-LD Schema