Wordpress SEO

Wordpress SEO

Plugin: Complete SEO

Yoast SEO vs SEO Ultimate

Images and SEO

Media File Renamer makes renaming media files possible - usually needed for SEO purposes. SEO Friendly Images automatically adds alt and title attributes to all your images.

The Meta Referrer Tag: An Advancement for SEO and the Internet - Moz Implement WordPress SEO breadcrumbs - Yoast Knowledge Base

SEMrush - service for competitors research, shows organic and Ads keywords for any site or domain SEMrush Review: 22 Stealth Competitor Research Tactics - Robbie Richards

Check Out Our Social Media & SEO Tools - Ahrefs.com

Link Building Tools - BuzzStream Recommend Tools | Robbie Richards

WooW. WOoW. WOoW. Positionly has Serbia and seems really nice.

There is also a fix for WPML and Local SEO.

Yoast SEO alternatives


  • SEOPress

  • SEO by SQUIRRLY helps you write content that is SEO friendly and ALSO Human friendly. It works well with Wordpress sites that already have Yoast or All In One SEO. Forget about it, as it needs subscription to their service.

  • Premium SEO Pack

  • WP Meta SEO i like this one because it only does one thing.

Additional SEO plugins

SEO Data Transporter allows you to transfer your inputs SEO data from one theme/plugin to another.

Interesting and simple: The SEO Framework

Marko pronašao na Facebook:

Не знам ко је предложио у неком од претходних објава овај додатак уместо Yoast SEO и мрзи ме да тражим - али тај ко га је предложио - свака/и му се дала/о. Admin panel продисао, сајт дефинитивно бржи од како је Yoast OFF. Толико.

Improvements on current SEO status:

  1. Better keyword analysis; suggestions on keyword density
  2. Better support for rich snippets. I would like a separate plugin.

New fast SEO plugin from the creators of MetaBox Slim SEO - A Fast and Automated SEO Plugin for WordPress

Baš minimalni ali dovoljni SEO, Simple SEO ali pravi open source.

SEO Ready je slično super minimalan ali i osnovniji.

date 16. Dec 2016 | modified 10. Jun 2024
filename: Plugins » SEO » General