Plugins: Organize Content

Plugins: Organize Content

I am here exploring all the plugins that are used for reordering posts or pages or for changing the position in the tree for hierarchical entities such as pages, for example. Although this is rarely needed, there are also add-ons for manipulating taxonomies, so I will mention them as well if I come across any.

Content Order

This section discusses various plugins that can be used to adjust the order of content and taxonomies.

The following plugins are capable of managing the order of both content and taxonomies.

Simple Page Ordering is developed by the renowned 10up studio and is available on the repository 10up/simple-page-ordering. This plugin is excellently written and internally utilizes the menu_order field for post order, but doen’t do taxonomy order.

Intuitive Custom Post Order is a simple and truly open-source plugin that works for both taxonomy and custom post order. It stores information in the fields “menu_order” and “term_order” for post and taxonomy order, respectively. Pošto radi sve što treba, ovo je favorit za upotrebu - ali ga MORAŠ instalirati iz Zip-a sa Github-a pošto su tu ispravljeni neki bugovi. Ali avaj, i pored svega toga, ne radi sa taxonomijama, iako bi trebao - izgleda da je abandoned.

The plugin Real Custom Post Order for WordPress is the simplest solution for custom post order in WordPress.

Post Types Order is a plugin for arranging the order of content, while Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order is a plugin for taxonomies. Both plugins are developed by the same company, but personally, I find both of them to be too intrusive.

Simple Custom Post Order looks great and seamlessly integrates with WP. It naturally supports taxonomies as well. However, based on support threads, it appears that there are issues with its ongoing development. It seems that the company ColorLib has taken over the plugin - definitivno jeste - tako da je, hvala bogu, ovaj plugin održavan.

Ordering Taxonomy Only

If you only need to order taxonomies, the following plugins can be considered, although they may not be as comprehensive as the previous ones: WP Term Order and Custom Taxonomy Order. These plugins focus exclusively on managing the order of taxonomies.

Content Hierarchy

nesting content

Nested Pages plugin in the kylephillips/wp-nested-pages repository and its official website are interesting because they offer a clone function and automatically generate a native WordPress menu that corresponds to your page structure, which is often necessary.

CMS Tree Page View is not regularly updated, but it still functions effectively. It allows for a clear display of content hierarchy, although it operates on a separate page rather than as a sidebar within the list view.

F4 Post Tree plugin is a simple tool that presents a clear hierarchy of all pages and posts, similar to Nested Pages. However, its main drawback lies in the inclusion of the Freemius feature. While it is highly functional for Pages due to its hierarchical view, it falls short for Posts as it lacks category handling, resulting in a flat structure.

Admin Menu Tree Page View is a specific WordPress plugin designed exclusively for managing Pages that allows viewing the page hierarchy in a tree structure directly within the Admin menu item. To understand its functionality, you need to try it out.

Wicked Folders plugin is a real gem, not for organizing media as they mostly advertise, but for organizing content. “Dynamic Folders” feature is amazing, allowing you to view posts in a tree-like structure, grouped by month, author and also by standard post categories. It doesn’t seem to work with tags, as they are not a hierarchical taxonomy. It can be enabled both for pages and posts as well as any other custom post type. In the free version, the only restriction is that it doesn’t work with media, and paid version is too expensive for me. Osim toga, neupotrebljiv je za kategorizaciju postova jer ne koristi standardne kategorije, već samo svoje kategorije.

HappyFiles radi baš kao Wicked Folders što se kategorija tiče, i to nije loša stvar kada ti treba dodatna klasifikacija po nekom kriterijumu.

Real Category Management: Content Management in Category Folders by is severely limited in its free version. It only supports posts and does not include pages or any other custom post types. However, it is the only plugin that displays standard categories in the same way that Wicked Folders does for its categories. Koliko mrzim ovog prdonju i govnara - opet je posejao odvratno mnogo nekakvih opcija po celom sajtu, a naravno, na deactivate, smara sa Freemius govnarijama - lopovčina koja krade brdo podataka. Na kraju ovu govnetinu moram da “uštrojim” tako što ću pogasiti sva njegova reklamna govna na svim admin stranama, pošto on otprilike jedino na lep način radi to što mi treba.

ts-tree ne radi jer davno nije updated, ali da ne veruješ da jedino on to radi jednostavno, kao što bi trebalo

Tree Sitemap ne postoji više ali i nije služio za to, već za prikaz tree strukture na frontendu.

The Hierarchy is a plugin to consolidate all content types within a single admin “Content” menu item - ništa epohalno. The plugin’s repository can be found at jchristopher/hierarchy.

OrganizeWP is paid naslednik Hierarchy, that does the same and you can read a OrganizeWP review to gain further insights. However, this plugin is not available for free.

Add Hierarchy (parent) to Post

Custom ordering

6 Ways to Customize WordPress Post Order | Perishable Press WordPress › Support » Changing order of blog posts WordPress › Support » listing posts in alpha order? WordPress › Support » Reverse Sort Order hack Template Hierarchy « WordPress Codex How to Arrange Post Order in WordPress and Blogger: 14 Steps How to Arrange WordPress Posts and Custom Post Types Using Drag & Drop wordpress order by custom field - Google Search ACF | Order posts by custom fields WordPress › Support » How do i sort posts by a custom field? WordPress › Support » Orderby custom field (meta_key) Function Reference/query posts « WordPress Codex

The Loop « WordPress Codex Query Overview « WordPress Codex Class Reference/WP Query « WordPress Codex Displaying Posts Using a Custom Select Query « WordPress Codex wp query - How can I show posts only if meta_value is not empty - WordPress Development Stack Exchange Advanced Metadata Queries MySQL: ISNULL Function code - How to display sql query that ran in query? - WordPress Development Stack Exchange Displaying Posts Using a Custom Select Query « WordPress Codex Custom Queries « WordPress Codex Class Reference/WP Query « WordPress Codex Class Reference/WP Meta Query « WordPress Codex Class Reference/wpdb « WordPress Codex mysql - Custom SQL Query for Wordpress page - WordPress Development Stack Exchange Class Reference/WP Query « WordPress Codex Plugin API/Filter Reference « WordPress Codex WordPress › posts_fields | Hook | WordPress Developer Resources Extending WP_Query - Function Reference/query posts « WordPress Codex Plugin API/Filter Reference/request « WordPress Codex

Improve taxonomy management

Source: 20 WordPress Plugins to Optimize Category and Tags - Hongkiat

Simple Taxonomy Refreshed supports, pored kreiranja, i Taxonomy Values (Terms) copying odnosno Terms Merging, kada treba spojiti kategorije na primer. Razne manipulacije pored dodavanja taksonomija.

date 18. Jan 2022 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: Plugins » Organize Content