Settings Framework

Settings Framework

theme options, admin options framework

Codestar/codestar-framework: A Simple and Lightweight WordPress Option Framework for Themes and Plugins I ovaj je aktivan! Admin Option Framework je besplatan, ostalo i nije ali mi ostalo ni ne treba. Međutim, čak i Pro verzija nije skupa na Envato. Na primer, koristi ga ovaj plugin System Dashboard a i ovaj qriouslad/database-admin a mislim i svi ostali pluginovi od Bowo, npr Admin and Site Enhancements

alleyinteractive/wordpress-fieldmanager: Custom field types for WordPress se aktivno održava Fieldmanager is a toolkit for developers to create complex administration screens in WordPress. Izgleda je skroz besplatan. Ne izgleda epohalno, ali proveri jer je ozbiljna firma.

reduxframework/redux-framework: Redux is a simple, truly extensible options framework for WordPress themes and plugins!

felixarntz/options-definitely This framework plugin makes adding options screens with sections and fields to WordPress very simple, yet flexible

vafour/vafpress-framework: Wordpress theme options framework, check out the demo.

PolyPlugins/Settings-Class-for-Wordpress is a class for developers to easier produce a settings page for plugins, now converted to plugin Reusable Admin Panel with same features.

piklist/piklist: The most powerful framework available for WordPress. je noviji, ali postoji i stariji tripflex/piklist. Iako podržava custom fields, ovo je više Options Framework

Ovo je idealno! Najnoviji i najbolji! fnpen/wordpress-modern-settings-page-boilerplate: The boilerplate of plugin or theme settings page using WordPress packages and make UI and UX close to WordPress and Gutenberg backend.

Very old:

Options Framework Options Framework Plugin | WP Theming devinsays/options-framework-plugin: An Options Panel Framework to help speed theme development. devinsays/options-framework-theme: An Options Panel Framework to help speed theme development.

Simple Settings and improved one: Origami

Rodgath/dilaz-panel: A WordPress plugin that adds an options panel framework for other WordPress themes and plugins. odličan

IgniteKit/wp-option-builder: A simple way to create Plugin and Theme Options and also MetaBoxes for WordPress inspired by OptionTree inspired by OptionTree

Admin Page Framework sa repo na michaeluno/admin-page-framework: Facilitates WordPress plugin and theme development. iako jeste star, meni se čini vrlo lepo kodiran - ili ne - proveri, a uputstvo je Admin Page Framework - WordPress Development

Sunrise sa repo vanokhin/sunrise: Sunrise is an opensource and OOP-based WordPress plugin framework, ali unmaintaned.

Basic one: luizbills/better-wordpress-admin-api: A better way to build settings pages for your plugins/themes.

How to Create a WordPress Settings Page With React - DAEXT Part 1: Creating a WordPress options page using React and Gutenberg - Daniel Post

How To Add Tabs to WordPress Settings Pages

Ovo mi je najbolji library za Admin pages u React. goodwp/goodenberg: Goodenberg is a library of components, helpers and examples for building modern WordPress sites and applications with the block editor and all other features introduced with Gutenberg.

date 17. Feb 2023 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: Plugins » Options Frameworks
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