Plugins: Miscellaneous

Plugins: Miscellaneous

Plugins: Screenshots

Using Worpress mShots service: WP Screenshot Browser Shots

or I could use something like wkhtmltopdf. or PhantomJS

Taking website screenshots using PhantomJS | codediesel

Taking screenshots of websites in PHP

Open Source Projects: CutyCapt - A Qt WebKit Web Page Rendering Capture Utility

jonnnnyw/php-phantomjs wkhtmltopdf

Plugins: Post Expiring

These plugins allow us to set expiration date to posts.

We were using Post Expirator but I will switch to Post Expiring as it is 10 times smaller!

Post Expiring was the best written and most simple. Problem was there was no easy way of selecting all the expired posts. This is why I selected VA Simple Expires as it is almost similary small, but it marks posts in special group called Ended, on pair with Drafts, Private, etc.

Very advanced but very big

Note: Our old plugin Post Expirator was HUGE problem as it was slowing down almost half of the WordPress admin area. Also, heartbeat was on almost every 5 seconds. Don’t know why.

Plugin: Cron jobs management?

Important - WordPress Cron is depended on the User. WP Cron fires only on the page visit so it can be inaccurate.

Simply the best is WP Crontrol as it managed to remove my cron jobs and an UI is nice and as expected. ali je zbog mojih podešavanjima na dev env uvek potreban i WP Cron HTTP Auth plugin služi da ako si stavio zaštitu na sajt, da ti ipak WP Cron radi.

There is interesting plugin WP-Cron Control for specific task - forcing a cron execution when calling specific URL with secret hash.

WP Crontrol Hours

Plugins: Content filtering

We need a way to filter imported posts based on some criteria - keywords in article.

Plugin Post Filter can only confuse a user. As it is triggered only on action publish_post, I think that really it is never executed on imported posts. This is why I disabled it for now.

Well, no - it is working correctly. I still don’t like it.

Slack notifications

Winner: Dorzki’s plugin

  • Slack Notifications dorzki is very small and efficient. Not extendable, but working as expected.

Notes: when post is updated,

  • Slack is very ambitious but not maintained well. As seen on gedex/wp-slack, last update was 2 years ago.

It supports unlimited events via custom hooks. There are also couple of free extensions, like this one for WooCommerce

Event Notifier omogućava da na bilo koji hook prikačiš event kao email i Slack notification.

And that’s about it.

Improve Combo Box input in Admin

Libraries to improve Select Box with JS

It all started with Chosen. List alternatives in order of quality.

Plugins: Various Page Lists


I had to fork a plugin to add more filters to it.

Page-list - simple and no need to look for more CC Child Pages Subpages Extended

List Pages Shortcode List Child Pages Shortcode

Advanced Sidebar Menu WP Child Pages Child Pages Shortcode

Advanced (Grid)

9 Best WordPress Grid Plugins 2020 - aThemes

Posten – Gutenberg Post Block od autora koga cenim

Advanced Post Block – Post Grid for WordPress block editor je odličan, ali ne i besplatan.

Category Posts Widget je dobar plugin za različite prikaze posts, ali takođe upsell Pro verziju, ali ga ne razmatram jer nije block nego je klasičan widget plugin.

Guten Post Layout – An Advanced Post Grid Collection for WordPress Gutenberg

Display Post Types – Post Grid, post list and post sliders

Plugin: Populate menu with subpages


JC Submenu sa repo na jcollings/JC-Submenu: Automatically populate Wordpress menus with custom post_types, taxonomies, or child pages. Output menus using Split menu / Menu Section widgets. je na Merit odradio posao odlično, ali fucks something in Astra menu, but solvable, ali nije ažuriran od 2020.

Interesting: Custom Post Type Auto Menu

Automatically Hierarchic Categories in Menu je jedini koji radi sa podkategorijama i kategorijama, a ne posto-ovima, a da je još uvek ažuran.

Auto Submenu and Category Posts in Custom Menu mislim da ipak ne rade ono što želim.

Add Descendants As Submenu Items, but the guy died

Gecka Submenu is updated 10 years ago

Auto Subpage Menu last update around 2020

Automatic Submenu for Categories & Pages also updated 6 years ago

mPress Menu Wormhole Menu Helper Child Navigation Auto Submenu Category Posts in Custom Menu Gecka Submenu Post Type Archive Link

Classic Menu Block

Plugins: Multiple featured images

Dynamic Featured Image / (dynamic) - has to much ads Simple Multiple Featured Images (dynamic, not working?) Multiple Post Thumbnails (fixed) / How to Add Multiple Post Thumbnails / Featured Images in WordPress Multiple Featured Images

Plugins: Development Helpers

Simple Calendar for Google od Japanskog minimaliste

Zavisno od browsera, odnosno user agent, prikaži različite teme sa pluginom UserAgent Themes Switcher odnosno različiti sadržaj uz pomoć plugina UserAgent Content Switcher, oba napisao Japanskog minimaliste

Post Date Time Change Ako menjaš datum za neku sliku, naravno da ne pomera u druge foldere (ako je tako organizovano po mesecima i godini), već samo menja datum, od Japanskog minimaliste

Podseća administratora da je vreme da unese novi članak na sajt: Notify Old Blog

Plugins: Disable Comments

These plugins will disable commenting functionality on a website. Nisam siguran jesu li potrebni pošto čak i Admin and Site Enhancements (ASE) ima opciju Disable Comments. Razlog zašto možda koristitit ove pluginove je to da oni uklone svaki trag comment sistema i iz admin area.

Plugins: Disable Author Pages

disable authors everywhere, author archive pages, user archive pages, author archives, disable author slugs, obfuscate author slugs

Use option from “Admin and Site Enhancements” plugin

Yoast SEO has always had a feature to disable Author archives in the options panel located at “SEO > Titles & Metas > Archives > Author archives”.

However, if you insist on disabling author pages in the code, it is very simple to do so by adding the following code:


add_filter( 'author_link', function ($link) {
  $link = home_url();
  return $link;
}, 10, 1);

add_action('template_redirect', function () {
  if (is_author()) {
    wp_redirect(home_url(), 301);

The comprehensive Admin and Site Enhancements plugin features an “Obfuscate Author Slugs” option that obfuscates publicly exposed author page URLs to something like and outputs 404 errors for the original URLs. It also obfuscates the same in the /wp-json/wp/v2/users/ REST API endpoint.

User pages can also be removed using specialized plugins such as Smart User Slug Hider which is mentioned in the instructional video about a huge WordPress security gap:, but this plugin has been retired in october 2023.

Another utility plugin that exclusively disables author archives is Disable Author Archives.

Plugins: Contact Form

Double Opt-in in Gravity Forms?

Coding: WordPress Email Double Opt-in GDPR using Gravity Forms

Or using plugin: Double Opt In Addon for Gravity Forms - GDPR/DSGVO ready - 3rd party compatible Version 1.8.3 is from 2019/01/16

Obfuscate Email

Disable Search mogućava da da “ugasiš” search čak iako ga tema included.

Last Contacted caught my attention as the developer creates intriguing plugins. It’s a mini-CRM that allows you to import contacts from Google Contacts and then record basic information like the date of the contact, method used, and a brief note about the interaction inside WordPress. It’s quite innovative - except it hasn’t been updated in 10 years :)

Plugin: Custom CSS and Custom JS

There are many plugins to add CSS only on specific pages. However, I always prefer minimal plugins that do exactly what I need and nothing more. Since I usually need to quickly and temporarily include CSS and JS, and later when I determine what I need, I almost always put it into a small custom plugin.

So, the simplest and probably my favorite is Insert Headers And Footers with “only” 100K users, because it is simple and the Admin menu is in the right place.

The most popular is Simple Custom CSS and JS with 500K users, and it is quite advanced, but in my opinion, unnecessarily.

There are so many plugins so it is impossible to mention them all, but I’ll mention them by “virtue of extreme popularity” or by some interesting specificity compared to others.

As popular ones, there are WP Add Custom CSS and Custom CSS and JavaScript that stand out.

I do find Instant CSS very interesting because it supports SASS or Minify CSS, for example, and is not bulky.

The Custom Login Admin Front-end CSS plugin nicely differentiates between Front-end and Admin CSS.

For Admin-focused options, the plugins Add Admin CSS and Add Admin JavaScript are excellent choices. These plugins allow you to select the CSS or JS insertion point from a range of parts within the admin HTML document, at least in the case of JS and less so for CSS, but also support loading from a specified list of files.

In addition, there is a straightforward and logical set of two plugins that allow for the quick loading of custom CSS and JavaScript files by placing them into a folder, after which they will be loaded automatically. It couldn’t be simpler. These plugins are Smart CSS Auto Loader and Smart JavaScript Auto Loader.

Using Specific CSS Only on Certain Pages

None serious for now.

Stylesheet Per Page is abandoned.

Safe Function Call is a plugin worth examining a bit of code, as it serves to safely call a function or method and not generate errors if called plugins are missing.

Gutenberg Editor Improvements

Odličan plugin koji unapređuje Gutenberg editor: Wayfinder

Block Guide Lines Block Revealer je još bolji jer ima toggle, ali nema podešavanje kao prethodni.

Editor Block Outline

Very nice addition to Gutenberg Editor: Block Navigation

EditorsKit takođe ima opciju Block Guide Lines

date 15. Dec 2016 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: Plugins » Miscellaneous