WPML Gotchas on Security Restrictions

WPML needs exec() function enabled as it uses Snoopy PHP library which when URL is HTTPS uses exec() to call /usr/bin/curl on Linux and uses is_executable to check for it. This fails when open_basedir restrictions are in effect, and/or shell functions have been disabled.

Is WPML (domain) compatible with NGINX?


Q: What is WPML Multilingual Text Widget? A: WPML added a new text widget, which is similar to the standard WordPress Text widget. WPML widget performs better on multilingual sites - it tells WPML the ID of the widget and so is easier to translate. Otherwise, they’re the same thing.

WPML Setup Guide - Senlin Online

Wplang - WordPress Localization and Internationalization Resources

suppress_filters problem

Fix: WPML for WordPress causes theme to show multiple languages at the same time suppress_filters | Viper007Bond.com Tip: get_posts will suppress_filters by default – Konstantin Kovshenin Debugging Theme Compatibility - WPML

WPML Translating Page Slugs - Enabling Custom-Post-Type Name Localization in WPML

Language Configuration Files - WPML

WPML speed optimization in admin

Disable automated version checks for WPML plugins. Add the following line to your wp-config.php file:

/* Disable WPML automated version checks */

WPML problems and fixes

It says WPML and W3TC work together, but in all the comments, everyone said domain per language did not work. It looks like no one from WPML ever responded saying that domain per language NOW worked with W3TC.

WPML with W3 Total Cache - WPML WPML with W3TC for Fast and Efficient Multilingual Websites - WPML

Removing WPML

In “WPML » Support » Troubleshooting” click on “Reset and deactivate WPML”. This will delete all your translation and the WPML database entries. Then go to Plugins and delete all the WPML plugins.

Deleting Unused WPML Translation Strings with(out) WP-CLI

date 14. Jan 2018 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: Plugins » Localization » WPML