Plugin: Translating Content

Plugin: Translating Content

Polylang Pro je od marta 2024 (v3.6) has an option to add DeepL machine translation for posts

DeepL API translation plugin sam koristio uspešno uz DeepL API Free, dok za translate Woo products, meta fields, or translate in batches neophodan je Pro.

The Polylang Auto translation plugin has not been updated for a while, so it is expected that it may not be functioning correctly, as confirmed by

The AI auto Translate WordPress plugin has recently emerged. However, its functionality is somewhat limited - the title suggests ChatGPT integration, but it actually only supports Google Translate. Moreover, the plugin is poorly coded and calls a proxy on the address sending to it your Google API Key, making it very fishy - avoid using this plugin.

Auto Translate Polylang - Export and upload the files from WordPress to have them translated like magic je SaaS servis koji nije skup i koji koristi Google Translator API za prevođenje kompletnog sajta.

Polylang: XLIFF Translation Workflow

Ako su u pitanju jeziki koje DeepL podržava, onda koristiš ugrađenu DeepL integraciju u Polylang Pro, vidi DeepL Machine Translation now available for Polylang Pro – Polylang

Ali ako su jezici nepoznati, onda se exportuje u XLIFF format. XLIFF se koristi, a podržava ga Polylang Pro, da se exportuje i prevede sve odjednom, u nekom MT engine-u koristeći neki CAT tool. Bukvalno je to proces koji oficialno predlaže Polylang u članku XLIFF Export/Import is Now Available for Your Translations with Polylang Pro 3.3! – Polylang.

!> Napomena: Exportuj u formatu XLIFF 2.0 a ne 2.1, pošto sa 2.1 Matecat prijavljuje neku grešku jer verovatno ne podržava 2.1 - vidi matecat/xliff-parser: A Xliff parser written in PHP, a ionako izgleda da su identični.

DeepL takođe podržava translation of XLIFF files, ali mi to u ovom primeru ne znači.

About XLIFF format

Free Online XLIFF Editor

Ne misle svi da je format idealno rešenje - [Stop recommending and using XLIFF for translations, ali je diskusija puna resursa.

Interesantan projekat za prevošenje markdown dokumenata, cataria-rocks/md2xliff: Markdown to XLIFF converter

Computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools

Top 15 free CAT Tools every Translator Must Know - Kabod Group

Ali bez dileme, favorit je Matecat je je free-online CAT tool, ujedno i open-source na matecat/MateCat: MateCat is an AI driven translation tool for language industry professionals. Matecat makes machine translation post-editing and project outsourcing easy., koji poseduje the largest translation memory of approx. 12 billion words.

Nema razloga da dodaješ engine, jer je ModernMT već uključen u MyMemory a sasvim je korektan. Takođe, nisam siguran kako, ali i ChatGPT je nekako inkorporiran u Matecat with GPT-4: Translate Faster and More Accurately, ali loša strana Matecat-a je što ne možeš u jednom koraku da prevedeš sve stringove (oni to zovu “segment”) već moraš jedan po jedan.

The app Swordfish Translation Editor is also completely open-source, excellent, and supports everything, including the ChatGPT engine among others. On je prepoznao fajlove kao WPML XLIFF a i poseduje mogućnost da sve odjednom prevede sa MT pod menijem “Tasks”. Međutim, ima neku registraciju pa nisam siguran kako se besplatno koristi - odnosno da bi ga koristio besplatno moraš sam da ga kompajliraš, što i nije tragedija.

Ovaj takođe uopšte nije loš: crow-translate/crow-translate: A simple and lightweight translator that allows you to translate and speak text using Google, Yandex Bing, LibreTranslate and Lingva.

I ovaj izgleda odlično CafeTran Espresso | Translation memory tool a razvija ga jedan developer, i podržava neki ChatGPT AI translation.

MT (Machine Translation) Engines

Six world-class and publicly available machine translation engines | LinkedIn

European machine translation services | European Alternatives


Teoretski, trebalo bi da radi i ovaj ChatGPT - Automatic XLIFF File Translator DeepL on the GPT Store, ali sam ga probao i baš nikak ne radi - mislim da bi bolje ja ručno uradio kroz GPT.


ModernMT is a translation service from Italy and also offers free machine translation for up to 5000 characters at a time at URL: ModernMT | Translate


  1. Legal entities can access Yandex.Translate API via Yandex.Cloud ( and receive a free grant to test this and other Yandex services.

Yandex Cloud ne mogu da koristim jer prilikom registracije nema Srbije a za ostale zemlje koje ima traži kopiju registracije firme, što mi nije najjasnije.

  1. Individuals can register ( and receive a grant for $75 (5 million characters) to test the Yandex.Translate API after linking a bank card (no charges will be made).

Ni ovo nisam uspeo, pošto sam još ranije uneo residence Russia, pa sada nije moguće promeniti, a mrzi me da kreiram novog korisnika samo za ovo.


Googlec Cloud Translation API ima dve edicije, Basic and Advanced - vidi Compare Basic and Advanced  |  Cloud Translation  |  Google Cloud, ali samo Advanced mora da se koristi. Bilo koji je besplatan za prvih 500K chars/month, ali i nakon toga nije skup - vidi Pricing  |  Cloud Translation  |  Google Cloud.

Proces generisanja API key-a: Generate Google Translate API Key - TranslatePress

Lecto AI

The Lecto AI Translation API is an unknown service that I came across while using the Loco Translate plugin. It supports a wide range of languages as listed here and is significantly more affordable than other similar services. A concern arises from the fact that the Lecto AI Twitter account (@LectoAI) has not posted anything since 2021, and there is a lack of information available on Google, leading to understandable skepticism.

date 19. Mar 2024 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: Plugins » Localization » Translation