Plugins: Log Emails

Plugins: Log Emails

Email Logging

Use Log Emails (Simple) or WP Mail Catcher (Advanced) plus Disable Emails if needed

Note that most of email-delivery plugins include some kind of “email log” and an ability to modify “sender” value.

MailArchiver sa repo na Pierre-Lannoy/wp-mailarchiver: A WordPress plugin to automatically archive all emails sent from your site.. Savršen za logovanje emailova, pošto podržava mnoštvo načina da se ti emailovi arhiviraju, na Slack na primer. Jedino je izbor admin menija pomalo čudan i self-centered, ali to mu opraštam.

WP Mail Logging by SendLayer at repo awesomemotive/wp-mail-logging is simple and straightforward and has 200K users. In recent incarnations, the Redux framework has been dropped, but it has started to receive advertisements, so we’ll see how quickly it becomes unusable ad-machine.

WP Mail Logging – PostBox is a plugin I really like as it has search and everything else, but I don’t like that the menu item is in the root. Made by Arshid and repo at arshidkv12/WP-Mail-Logging-PostBox

WP Mail Catcher at repo JWardee/wp-mail-catcher and 10K users, seems best of the bunch and it is forever free without nags. Has a featire to resend or even compose new message. Great for debugging: see exactly which file and code line triggered email sending. Menu location is in root and that is too prominent.

WP Mail Debugger was nice plugin, but unmaintained.

WP Mail Log by WPVibes has the menu location in too prominent location for no reason. Avoid in wide circle due the spammy Freemius code.

We could even use WP_Mail-logger from Developer Loggers for Simple History and have email logged as event in Simple History

Log Emails at webaware/log-emails will just log simple, in right place Tools > Log Emails. You can prevent your site (staging?) from sending any emails by using the Disable Emails amazing plugin! Not quite regularly updated. Idea: Disabling Emails on WordPress Staging Sites

Email Log from repo sudar/email-log has a nice feature to clear all residues after uninstall, but too much premium-nags.

Check Email by WPChill has 100K users and is convenient for testing email sending and also offers logging feature.

Emails Catch All is not exactly the same use case, but as the plugin is quite versatile it can also store and display email logs, disable emails entirely, send copies to multiple recipients, send all emails at once, clean up emails from the history log upon plugin deactivation, and auto-clean the log. In short, Emails Catch All by Iulia Cazan is currently an excellent plugin, but I have a feeling that it will become overloaded with upsells in the future. Ono što mi se nikako ne sviđa što pravi svoju tabelu koja uopšte nema pravilan wp-prefix

Amazing resource: johnbillion/wp_mail is a list of all the situations where WordPress core sends an email and how to filter or disable each one.

Customize default WordPress emails

Great wrap up of plugins: How to customize WordPress emails

All emails from Wordpress (lost password, notifications, etc.) are sent by default in text/plain format. WP Better Emails wraps them with a much better looking customizable HTML email template and lets you also set your own sender name and email address.

WP Better Emails

nlemoine/wp-better-emails: Adds a customizable good looking HTML template to all WP default plain/text emails and lets you set a custom sender name and email address.

Ovaj stvarno izgleda odlično: Well-Handled Email Templates

WP Email Template

Email Template Designer – WP HTML Mail je baš ambiciozan i zajeban plugin koji stvarno dolazi sa dosta templateova a ustvari je kompletan email editor.

Customise your WordPress email notifications - Better Notifications for WP Customize WordPress Emails and Alerts – Better Notifications for WP

Only Change email “from” field

Customize the sender name and email address

WP Mail From II WP Simple Mail Sender

Disable emails

filters - How to disable all WordPress emails modularly and programatically? - WordPress Development Stack Exchange

Disable Emails

Stop Emails sa repo na salcode/stop-emails: Stops outgoing emails. Any outgoing emails will fail silently (i.e. WordPress will operate as if the email was sent successfully but no email will actually be sent). je idealan, da ga staviš samo na Dev i Stage envs.

Email Delivery

Možda je ipak najbolje ručno? Plugins that webmasters should never use - SMTP

  • Easy WP SMTP doesn’t have log capability, and that’s amazing actually, and has 300K users.

  • Post SMTP Mailer/Email Log is a fork of another WordPress SMTP plugin called Postman. Postman was abandoned and removed from because of a security issue, so this plugin picks up from where it left off. This fork has 300K users.

  • WP Mail SMTP by WPForms is with 3Mil users by far the most popular SMTP and Email Log plugin

  • Post SMTP or
    Non-free Mail Bank | WP Mail Bank
    Use email sending plugins with log included

New ones:

WordPress Simple SMTP je najprostiji moguć, na repo soup-bowl/wp-simple-smtp

Baš kao ručno: Configure SMTP Simple WP SMTP

SMTP Mailer

Gmail SMTP plugin on the Gmail SMTP site is actually a new one that utilizes the OAuth 2.0 protocol for authorization. With this, there is no longer a need to enable the “Allow Less Secure Apps” setting on your Gmail account. However, you are required to create an API client ID and secret in the Google Cloud Console.

Email Interesting

  • lesterchan/wp-email Allows people to recommend/send your WordPress blog’s post/page to a friend

free email templates: Free responsive Emails & Landing Pages drag-and-drop Editor | BEE

Debugging WP Mail is easy using handy little hook wp_mail_failed

LH Multipart Email automatski, ako ne postoji, pravi text verziju za svaki poslati HTML email

MailArchiver by PerfOps One with more info at MailArchiver - PerfOps One, is the most advanced email logging plugin - I believe it is perfect.

date 20. Oct 2022 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: Plugins » Emails