Plugins: Document Library

Plugins: Document Library

Document Gallery, Document Management, File Library, Document Management System (DMS), File Hosting

WP Document Revisions je prosto savršen plugin za ovo, pisan u skorije vreme sa podrškom za blocks. Možda ima čak i previše opcija, ali mislim da je baš odličan. Features su savršene a ima i repo wp-document-revisions/wp-document-revisions: A document management and version control plugin that allows teams of any size to collaboratively edit files and manage their workflow. koji je aktivno mantained. Postoje i pluginovi koji grade na osnovu ovoga kao na primer Simple Download Manager for WP Document Revisions

Filr – Secure document library je baš to što nam treba sa malo većim naglaskom na fajlovima.

Document Gallery a postoji i helper plugin Document Gallery for Real Media Library. Ovaj plugin malo izgleda zastarelo a neki korisnici prijavljuju i da ne radi.

Document Library Pro je paid plugin koji naginje kao file hostingu ali opak zadržava document focus koji ne izgleda loše ali pošto nije besplatan nisam ga ni testirao.

SP Project & Document Manager je Document, File & Media Manager plugin koji omogućava baš dobar spisak besplatnih opcija i čak i u toj verziji je dosta upotrebljiv. Ustvari, specifično je da u pro verziji omogućava da svaki user ima their own personal page i mogu da dodaju na postojeće projekte.

WP Docs izgleda baš zastarelo a UI na frontendu je kroz sistem foldera i fajlova, kao klasičan file hosting. Radi planirani posao, ali baš na ružan čudan način.

WP Documents Library je više kao klasičan custom type + some custom fields. Možeda, ako te mrzi sam to da razvijaš ali je baš možda previše jednostavan-

Memphis Documents Library je apsolutno besplatan a postoji 100 godina, a ne razumem zašto je skinut sa

Fivo Docs je baš to, ali paid, pomalo zastarelo ali ima jedan mod prikaza koji je nice.

Sources: 10 Useful WordPress Document Library Plugins to Choose in 2022 - Press Cargo

Document Pro Elementor – Documentation & Knowledge Base

BetterDocs – Best Documentation & Knowledge Base Plugin

Knowledge Base for Documentation, FAQs with AI Assistance Knowledge Base documentation & wiki plugin – BasePress Docs

Simple Documentation Documentor – Create Product Documentation Documentation Plus Embed Any Document – Embed PDF, Word, PowerPoint and Excel Files VS Knowledge Base Knowledge Base

Encyclopedia / Glossary / Wiki

WPYog Documents


Knowledge Base for visitors on frontend

weDocs is an excellent plugin for WordPress, with a focus on texts rather than files, as project documentation on the frontend, whether it is an internal KB/Wiki or publicly accessible doc.


Internal Project Documentation

Knowledgebase for site editors inside backend

Odlučio sam se za WPDocsify jer mi je tako najlogičnije i najlakše jer već imam markdown fajlove

  • WP Help by Mark Jaquith je baš za ovo, unutar admin-a

I also found the perfect WordPress plugin mitchell-b-chelin/WPDocsify, which is exactly what I was considering and hoping for, in the perfect way.

There was already some Docsify plugin but it was removed in 2021 due to guideline violation, was something about Google Docs and it had nothing to with docsify.js project.

Admin Help Docs

Brandfolder – Digital Asset Management Simplified.

date 20. Jan 2023 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: Plugins » Document Library