Searching for best plugins

Searching for best plugins

discovering plugins, discover plugins

How to discover & find plugins?

Search for a “block plugin”:

# create a file needed
curl --globoff --silent "[browse]=blocks&request[page]=1&request[per_page]=400" | jq ".plugins[] | { name: .name, url: \"\\(.slug)/\", short: .short_description, description: .description }" >  
curl --globoff --silent "[browse]=blocks&request[page]=2&request[per_page]=400" | jq ".plugins[] | { name: .name, url: \"\\(.slug)/\", short: .short_description, description: .description }" >> wp-block-plugins.json

# case in-sensitive is more complicated and involves regular expression
cat wp-block-plugins.json | jq '. | select(.description | test("\\bFAQ\\b";"i")) |{ name: .name, short: .short, url: .url }'  
Plugin directories

Ovaj sam sad pronašao i nije loš: WordPress Plugin Directory – WP Pro Tools kao brži search.

Example: search for new blocks?

  • Google magic?
Find on Github?

Interesting is this plugin: pdclark/github-plugin-search, but it seems unmaintained. Code blocks to analyze are here github-plugin-search/class-search.php

Plugin Review sites:

Plugin: Plugin collections & bulk installation

Bulk install your favorite plugins

Winner: WP Favs as it’s free and working somehow.

  • is the first service with it’s accompanying plugin. WPCore is very good, but has one problem: it’s not free at all. There is a limit of up to 2 collections and 18 plugins per collection. Ali se može koristiti free ako se pristupa kao guest i kreira guest collection.

  • WP Favs is much less popular and also has accompanying plugin After your first login, you will get another email with your new generated API Key that you can use along with the plugin, but API key is displayed all the time at this page. Whole administration is on Wordpress - not too professional. But it’s free.

Vrlo bitno:

afragen/group-plugin-installer: Allows you to easily add a group of plugins to a WordPress installation.

Search Engines Source Code

searchcode | source code search engine on most repository platforms Search Engine for Source Code -

Similar: - Search The Web’s Source Code for Technologies je odličan! Daje PHP Error Log kao i screenshots, daje koje opcije upisuje u wp_options, koje možda tabele kreira, a daje i čak ako ima neki metabox. Daje i code how to hide the admin menu. Savršeno lepo i detaljno daje razne screenshot-ove, ne one sa sajta. Koristi PHP 8.1 pa prikazuje bolje PHP warninge.

WP Hive - A Better WordPress Repository je nešto kao kopija, ali ima browser extensiju i uz moj userscript to izgleda korektno. On je nov: Introducing WP Hive: A Better WordPress Repository to Get and Promote Right Products - weDevs Inače, koristi PHP 7.4 pa ne prikazuje sve PHP warninge. Sviđa mi se što odmah možeš da izlistaš sve pluginove autora i da ih sortiraš po popularnosti.

WP Plugin Directory | The Best WordPress Plugins Main - WP Plugins Directory PluginArchive - Wordpress plugins and Magento extensions archive

Možda napraviti neki svoj search engine?

Perfectdotexe/WordPress-Plugins-List: Wordpress Plugins List

Search WordPress plugins by multiple criteria

How to search GitHib for WordPress plugins?

We are searching .php files only in root folder with specific plugin header:

"plugins_api" "Plugin Name:" AND "Plugin URI:" AND "Description:" extension:php in:file path:""

Now there is a beautiful plugin for that: onigetoc/wpgit, the plugin to Search thousands of Wordpress Plugins, Themes and Widgets on Github, and demo of it here: WPGIT now defunct or in this video

Ne znam iz kog razloga je povećao avatar-e za sve usere Da bih to sredio, fork-ovao sam plugin i nazvao ga “GitHub Seeker”

Discovering Latest Plugins

  1. List of new plugins: categorized as “new” on the official website.

  2. List of updated plugins: on the Composer WPackagist repository, you can sort by last_committed as it is the default sort when there is no search query. I’ve learned this from this line of code.

Exact search URL for packages updated recently is therefore: packages by last committed, and that’s how you can find recently updated plugins. However, you cannot find new plugins that have not yet been listed here.

Plugins categorized as beta Plugins categorized as favorites:

Add your Plugin

Discovering the Best GitHub Fork

finding forks

Of course, the default way to discover the best fork is by reviewing the “Insights > Network graph” on GitHub. However, there are also some other tools that can present the same data in a slightly different way.

AndreMiras/gitpop2 and its React version AndreMiras/gitpop3 are excellent online tools that provide a quick overview of all forks of a given project. They allow you to sort the forks by the number of stars and the date of the last commit, which can help you identify the true successor to an abandoned project.

GitHub Forks Discovery

Github Find Active Forks [Embeded Edition]

musically-ut/lovely-forks is extension but was userscript before, now legacy.

useful-forks/ Improving GitHub’s Forks list discoverability through automatic filtering. The project offers an online tool and a Chrome extension.

simov/stars: GitHub Star History and Stats Star History Open Source Best of 2022 | Front-end


Čak su i oni u GitHub ukapirali da je raniji “Tree” view lošiji pa su nešto promenili tu

Moja ideja, nazvana: Skip Bullshit Forks

Mnogo me nervira što sada je sve to pollutovano raznim dependabot i sličnim commit-ima koji nemaju ustvari nikakvog novog sadržaja. Kada bi mogao da ignorišeš sve izmene u ili bilo kom markdown fajlu, composer.lock, i slično

Napravi nešto sam - nije komplikovano.

Plugin Repository Mirrors

WPPlugins had only 18K plugins was defunct WordPress Plugins SVN Mirror aka defunct has around 53K plugins.

GitHub search with “topic:wp-plugin” and latest updated: Repository search results

Otkrio sam:

oh-opening-hours/oh-opening-hours: The “O/H - Opening Hours” WordPress plugin provides a range of customization options for displaying your business’s operating hours with the use of Shortcodes and Widgets.

date 21. Dec 2016 | modified 13. Feb 2025
filename: Plugins » Discovering Plugins