Plugins: Database Management
SQL Query Execution, SQL Queries from inside Wordpress admin
Here is a list of all the Database Management Plugins for executing SQL queries directly from within the WP admin:
SQL Buddy – Database Management Made Easy je od Delicious Brains, koja je stvarno ozbiljna firma ali ovaj plugin nema baš ništa od opcija.
SQL Executioner je izgleda najednostavniji i provereno radi, odnosno možeš da pokreneš bilo joji raw SQL komandu i ništa više od toga
TS Comfort DB je čudan i drugačiji, ali nisam našao načina da unesem bilo koji SQL upit.
My wpdb on Japanese?
WP-DBManager | lesterchan/wp-dbmanager can do everything. The only thing I don’t like is it uses server commands directly. Author Lester Chan je takođe programirao WP-Sweep plugin i generalno je no-bloat autor koje cenim.
Based on phpMyAdmin
As phpMyAdmin itself looks like it’s from the 90s, it’s not possible to make it look any better. However, here is a list of plugins that incorporate phpMyAdmin functionality into WordPress:
WP phpMyAdmin looks pretty plain, just as expected.
Database My Admin looks nothing like it.
Based on Adminer
I remain of the old opinion that Adminer should still be run completely outside the WordPress environment, so I don’t need the plugin
qriouslad/database-admin by Bowo as Admin and Site Enhancements author, offers the best way to incorporate Adminer into the WP environment.
Database Access with Adminer provides a poor implementation of Adminer in WP, as Adminer opens in a completely new window.
Database Management tool – Adminer is a terrible or, more accurately, a badly implemented Adminer.
Where is working:
- Not is Run SQL Query in WP-DBManager
- No option: SQL Buddy – Database Management Made Easy
- Not really: Database My Admin
- Some ugly output - WP phpMyAdmin, but plugin itself is ugly
- Works! SQL command in Adminer
Extract specific table from full SQL backup
sed -n -e '/^DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `table_name`/,/^UNLOCK TABLES;/p' dump.sql > dump_table.sql
WordPress Database Prefix Changer Tool Brozzme DB Prefix & Tools Addons
Alternatives to dbForge Studio for MySQL
dbForge Studio for MySQL Alternatives and Similar Software -
DataGrip: The Cross-Platform IDE for Databases & SQL by JetBrains DBeaver Community | Free Universal Database Tool MySQL :: MySQL Workbench
Making Adminer auto-login
Adminer: vrana/adminer: Database management in a single PHP file
Adminer plugins:
natanfelles/adminer-bootstrap-like: Adminer Bootstrap-Like Design PHP Serialized Data previewer in Adminer Editor
giofreitas/one-click-login: Adminer plugin to display a list of predefined database servers to login with just one click. adminer/plugins/login-servers.php at master · vrana/adminer · GitHub
arxeiss/Adminer-FillLoginForm: Plugin to Adminer for fill login form by set values
Ok, ovde se vidi da treba POST-ovati $_POST[“auth”] koji ima neka polja među kojima i password
Evo ga baš: Simply auto login to your Adminer