Custom Blocks Constructors

Custom Blocks Constructors

For coding custom blocks without using a plugin, please check other article

Block building without JavaScript: Testing ACF, Block Lab, and Lazy Blocks – WordPress Tavern

Lazy Blocks

Lazy Blocks Woow: Complete sites: Templates – Lazy Blocks

Is amazing free plugin with simple beautiful UI. Author is well regarded by me as they coded some nice plugins

Lazy Blocks: Select Dynamic Control pravi od LZB vrlo ozbiljan plugin.

Note: Blocks are grouped into categories, and the core ones are listed here


Slow UI on admin Advanced Custom Fields: A Guide to Custom Fields and ACF Blocks | Delicious Brains

You can read more about Timber ACF WP Blocks on
If you don’t use Timber try or
micropackage/block-loader: Automatic WordPress Gutenberg block loader based on template files
micropackage/acf-block-creator: ACF Block Creator - automatic Gutenberg block creation add-on for Advanced Custom Fields
palmiak/timber-acf-wp-blocks: Create Gutenberg blocks from Twig templates and ACF fields.

Carbon Fields?

Carbon Fields UI is built on React and therefore it’s fields are rendered on the client-side instantly. When looking things up in the Carbon Fields Source I had the feeling the project is not as actively maintained anymore.

Pojavio se competitor za Lazy Blocks i ACF-u, a to je Wicked Block Builder je odličan Wicked Block Builder Plaćena Pro verzija je neophodna za upotrebu InnerBlocks odnosno Repeaters

Blockstudio – The block framework for WordPress

mitchell-b-chelin/Bricks: A developer friendly guttenberg block registration method.

date 22. May 2021 | modified 10. Jun 2024
filename: Plugins » Custom Blocks