Contact Form 7 Schema Requests

Contact Form 7 Schema Requests

Not sure what is this…

add_action(‘admin_init’, function() { wp_enqueue_script(‘wp-api’); }, 1); # Run early

[contact-form-7 id="3b77382" title="Whitepaper Download DE" html_class="whitepaper"]

How to customise the WordPress REST API URL prefix (wp-json) - YouTube

Phil Kurth :: WordPress developer - YouTube

After update CF7 adds /schema to all forms (indexable) |

Šta je ovo?? Da se isključi extra schema check

Contact Form 7 refill & cached pages: how to optimize page load timing • Sito.Express Make contact form 7 faster with a simple trick - WP Reveal

date 14. Jun 2024 | modified 14. Jun 2024
filename: Plugins » Contact Form 7 » Schema