Comprehensive List of CF7 Add-on Plugins
Essential Modifications
Performance improvements fit into this category.
Probably Useful
Maybe Check
Not worth the time
Admin Improvements
Some Improvements
Probably Useful
Not worth the time
Flow, Multi-Step & Conditionals
Plugins that some extra functionality on form behavior.
Multi Step
Probably Useful
Maybe Check
Contact Form 7 Multi-Step Forms is most popular with 30K users, ali je metod rada potpuno nelogičan jer uključuje dodavanje pages i onda step uz pomoć tih page URLs - sve u svemu, vrlo neintuitivno.
The Multi Step for Contact Form 7 plugin by NinjaTeam, boasting 10K users, appears to function seamlessly and I mostly do not require the Pro options. It is reasonably priced on CodeCanyon and is also available on GPL sites. Refer to the concise official documentation on the Contact Form 7 Multi-Step Pro Documentation page.
Not worth the time
Conditional Fields
Probably Useful
Not worth the time
API Integration
Sending submissions somewhere remote using API. Ovo odjednom uočavam kao idealno rešenje koje mi rešava probleme stage-prod-connection, jer će svi submission da budu pohranjeni na eksternom serveru, Discord ili Telegram.
Styling plugins
Everything related to frontend design, UI and UX and similer.
Styling: Emails Sent
Styling: Spinner
Styling: Fields
New and sometimes interesting field types
Custom Fields
new: Date Picker For Contact Form 7
File Upload
Not worth the time
Fields: Phone, Countries, Cities, Address
These plugins are using various geolocation IP databases or API services. Quite often Google Places API is used.
Almost all of the mentioned plugins use the jackocnr/intl-tel-input library.
The Country & Phone Field Contact Form 7 plugin was the first one I used, and I was relatively satisfied with it. It has a settings page located under “Contact > CPF Settings” and in terms of functionality, it is not bad. However, when examining the code, it becomes apparent that it is poorly written and does not inspire confidence. Also, drawback is that all settings apply to all forms and form fields, which is not well-thought-out approach. Due to these reasons, I have decided to avoid using this plugin.
International Telephone Input for Contact Form 7 sa repoYordanSoares/international-telephone-input-for-contact-form-7: International Telephone Input for Contact Form 7 uses intl-tel-input and has 10K users. Solidno je napisan ali izgleda da baš nije održavan, a osim toga, nema načina da se unese international prefix nakon što korisnik odabere zemlju, a problem je i to što podrazumeva da je jQuery uključen. Ovaj plugin je izlistan kao oficijelna integracija na Integrations · jackocnr/intl-tel-input Wiki
Country Code Drop Down For CF7 ne radi provereno, iako sam ga nekako naterao dodavanjem klase na “wpcf7-intl-tel” na polje. Međutim, dodaje nebulozne scriptove koji koriste Protocol Buffer 2, verovatno za Geolocation, ali svejedno, očajno napisano i preskoči.
Country Code Selector je pokušao da bude napredan, ali je to uradio vrlo nespretno. Naime, on proverava da li je contact form na strani, ali to radi samo proveravajući shortcode, a za blokove ne radi. Samo zbog toga je loše pa ga preskoči. Sam settings je interesantno izveden, ali zemlje važe za sve forme pa je i to mana.
Telephone Input For Contact Form 7 ne radi ništa posebno, a za svaku opciju traži Pro verziju.
Newish: International Telephone Input With Flags And Dial Codes
Listo is the official plugin from the same author as CF7, which automatically pulls data for drop-down select fields. It contains 27 lists, but only three lists are truly useful: countries, currencies, and time zones. It is used in fields in the following way: [select country data:countries]
as explained here .
Country State City Dropdown CF7 ima kompletnu bazu gradova, i svih zemalja i opština, za sve zemlje sveta.
Maybe Check
Not worth the time
These plugins deal with what happens after the user has filled out the form fields and pressed the submit button.
Save to database, post, etc
About storing submission data and emails in addressbook
Probably Useful
Database for CF7 dosta obećava jer je jednostavan
The Contact Form 7 Database Addon – CFDB7 is an incredibly popular WordPress plugin, boasting a 500K users. This is likely due to its exceptional functionality and what I find particularly convenient is that the data is stored in a separate database table, making it easy to migrate only this table in migration plugins when needed. Furthermore, it offers a free companion phone application, cfdb7-connector , which allows for seamless monitoring of submissions. Created by Arshid, one of my noteworthy authors. Repo here arshidkv12/contact-form-cfdb7
Maybe Check
Not worth the time
Leads, Tracking, Analytics
I guess this is actually not so needed
Probably Useful
Maybe Check
Not worth the time
CF7 text field size Addon
CF7 File Download – File Download for CF7 je očajno napisan :(
CF7 Reply Manager je super i stvarno besplatan jer nakon ručnog odobravanja ili odbijanja forme, korisniku se šalje predefinisani email sa nekim attachmentom.
CF7 Mailchimp Integration
Ovi pluginovi automatski dodaju korisnike u Mailchimp liste.
MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress je apsolutno najpopularniji sa nestvarnih 2 mil users. Verovatno zato što podržava sve integracije a naravno i Contact Form 7 kao i WooCommerce. Pogledaj info na sajtu MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress plugin . Problem je što, koliko shvatam, ne možeš da dodaješ korisnike na različite liste, ali što je još bitnije, moraš kroz PHP da mapiraš dodatna polja pored osnovnih.
Može on da se pronađe na GPL sajtovima, ali ako ne mora - izbegao bih, a ustvari mu je prednost što ume automatski da se zakači za skoro sve forme i pluginove unutar wordpress-a a i WooCommerce.
Treba dodati u formu da izbegneš double opt-in:
<div style="display: none;">
<input type="hidden" name="mc4wp-subscribe" value="1" />
Contact Form 7 Connector radi odlično i radi sve što MC4WP ne radi a to i u besplatnoj verziji podržava Mailchimp i MailerLite, dok u Pro podržava i Zapier. I sve je mnogo elegantnije urađeno nego na MC4WP.
Contact Form 7 Extension For Mailchimp ima neke očajne review ali solidno korisnika, sa repo na wp-plugins/contact-form-7-mailchimp-extension: Plugin Mirror
CF7 AutoResponder Addon will add people to MailChimp list, but is unmaintained
Nezavisni plugin cleancoded/mailchimp-contact-form-7: Easily integrate Mailchimp with Contact Form 7. Automatically add form submissions to predetermined lists in MailChimp, using its latest API. ali mislim da je modifikovani “Contact Form 7 MailChimp Extension”
Controller Fields for Contact Form 7
Some sources:
30+ Best Contact Form 7 Extensions & Addons - HasThemes Blog
Send PDF for Contact Form 7
aurovrata/otp-by-email: A WordPress plugin to send an OTP and validate an email for Contact Form 7
Email Validation Filter for Contact Form 7 sa repo asamaruk/wp-contact-form-7_email-validation-filter: Provides additional email authentication functionality for the WordPress plugin Contact Form 7. ima sve moguće email provere.
Ovo mi se baš sviđa kao ideja: patilvikasj/cf7-gist-extension: Contact form 7 Gist extension for WordPress
Data Tensai for Contact Form 7 sa repo na pimteam/datatensai-cf7: Database management plugin for Contact Form 7 nije uopšte loš
Date picker:
nxvrmore/Date-picker-for-Contact-Form-7-and-Google-Calendar: Date picker for Contact Form 7 and Google Calendar
gpchub/gpc-cf7-datetimepicker: Add Datetimepicker for contact form 7
Welcome emails for Contact Form 7
Disposable Email Blocker – Contact Form 7 koristi bazu sa disposable/disposable: A list of disposable/temporary email address domains and disposable/disposable-email-domains: Daily updated repository for