W3 Total Cache (W3TC)

W3 Total Cache (W3TC)

W3 Total Cache supports APCu and Memcached for multiple servers.

I really like the way it integrates with Nginx - simple and non-intrusive. It creates a file in nginx.conf www root that I must include in my custom nginx configuration.

W3TC Plugin Config

include /path/to/wproot/nginx.conf;

# W3TC Plugin Config
include /var/www/vhosts/hostingtipp.ch/httpdocs/nginx.conf;

Setup W3TC on NGINX

Plugin has great and advanced features as New Relic integration for monitoring, cache purging for Varnish - insignificant to us, has great CDN support both for CloudFlare with extension and with MaxCDN, extension to play nice with WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin that we use extensively.

In the future, I can easily switch storage backends, if needed.

All of this functionality is possible to be achieved with separate plugins.

W3 Total Cache Settings - Configure & Optimize Your Website

W3TC Configure

Configuring W3 Total Cache: Advance Page Cache I - Tuts+ Code Article Speed up WordPress on Shared Hosting W3 Total Cache | C3M Digital Setting Up Guide for W3 Total Cache

date 11. Aug 2016 | modified 10. Jun 2024
filename: Plugins » Cache » P » W3TC